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When British pubs said “Black Troops Only”

The new Railway Children film exposes racism in the US army


The new film “The Railway Children Return”, contains a plot line involving the racist segregation of American troops stationed in Britain during World War Two. The plot was inspired by the true incident of the Battle of Bamber Bridge, which took place in the summer of 1943.

Bamber Bridge, town in Lancashire, hosted American servicemen from the 1511th Quartermaster Truck regiment.

The US Armed Forces were still racially segregated. The soldiers of 1511 Quartermaster Truck were almost entirely black, but all but one of the officers were white, as were the Military Police (MP). Growing racial tensions were exacerbated by news of the race riots in Detroit earlier that week, which had led to 34 deaths, 25 of them black people.

The people of Bamber Bridge supported the black troops, and when US commanders demanded a colour bar in the town, all three pubs in the town reportedly posted “Black Troops Only” signs.

On the evening of 24 June, soldiers were drinking with the English townsfolk in ‘Ye Olde Hob Inn’.

Two MPs entered the pub, and encountered a soldier, Private Eugene Nunn, dressed in the wrong jacket. An argument ensued, and local people and British service men and women sided with Nunn.

As the MPs left, a beer was thrown at their jeep. A group of MPs intercepted the soldiers as they returned to their base and started a fight that broke out in the road, and started to shoot black soldiers. Private William Crossland was shot dead.

At midnight, several jeeps full of MPs arrived at the camp, including one improvised armoured car armed with a large machine gun. Black soldiers armed themselves with weapons. They warned the townsfolk to stay inside when a firefight broke out.

When the shooting stopped at 4.00 am three black soldiers, and one MP had been shot and injured and two other MPs beaten.

A court martial convicted 32 black soldiers of mutiny. Four black soldiers involved in the initial brawl were sentenced to hard labour, one to two and a half years, and the others to three, and all to dishonourable discharges. A second trial concluded with seven acquittals and 28 convictions. Sentences for those convicted ranged from three months to 15 years, with seven sentences of 12 years or more.

General Ira C. Eaker, commander of the Eighth Air Force, placed most of the blame for the violence on the white officers and MPs because of their poor leadership and use of racial slurs.

Although there were several more racial incidents between black and white American troops in Britain during the war, none was on the scale of that of Bamber Bridge.

In June 2022, a memorial garden commemorating the battle was created opposite the pub where the Battle of Bamber Bridge started.

News from Berlin and Germany, 14 July 2022

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



Tenants might face up to 5,000 euros more in service charges per year

Rising energy costs, because of the war in Ukraine, will lead to additional costs in the four-digit range for households in Germany already this year. This is the result of calculations by the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies (GdW). Should the third stage of the gas emergency plan be declared, gas price increases of up to 400 percent are even imminent, according to the same association. The German Tenants’ Association (DMB) reacted cautiously to the GdW’s calculations. In any case, tenants would be faced with considerable additional payments, which by far not everyone would be able to afford. Source: Berliner Zeitung.

Too little, too slow

Berlin still suffers from narrow cycle paths. Even when expanding them, as in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, until the Oberbaumbrücke, it is clear it is not enough. For instance, the tour further on to the Warschauer Straße S-Bahn and U-Bahn station becomes hell in view of the masses of cyclists and pedestrians. But that “Bezirk” is even the exemplary front-runner. Overall, however, there are still too few comfortably wide cycle paths. And those that do exist have often taken far too many years to plan. If Berlin really wants to make noticeable progress in the expansion of cycle paths, then the Red-Green-Red Party must finally act here. Source: nd.

Fridays for Future: racism accusations against Berlin police via video message

In a published video, a young man said that on the evening of July 2, he and his companions observed police officers racially checking black people in Kreuzberg. They wanted to report it, but police officers came straight to them. He was put on the floor. After five minutes he was handcuffed and put on the ground. According to Fridays for Future, that man belongs to the organisation. So far, the police have not received any report from the young man himself. He was also contacted by the police via social media but has not yet come forward himself. Source: tag24.


Nine-euro ticket works

The offer for this summer is being eagerly used – there is also a decline in road traffic. According to a special analysis of mobile data by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), in June 2022, nationwide rail movements were on average 42 per cent higher than in June 2019. The data includes rail journeys on routes between 30 and 300 kilometres. In road transport, there was a moderate decline in May and June 2022 – especially for journeys of more than 100 kilometres. Meanwhile, Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) does not consider a permanent introduction of the nine-euro ticket to be feasible. Source: Heise.

EU advises all over-60s to get quadruple vaccination ‘as soon as possible’

Corona incidences are on the rise. “With the renewed rise in cases and hospital admissions with the start of summer, I urge everyone to get vaccinated and boostered as soon as possible,” said EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides. In Germany, the Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) has so far recommended a second booster vaccination for people aged 70 and over, high-risk patients and residents of care facilities and employees in the medical sector and in care facilities. The German General Practitioners’ Association called on the Federal Government on Friday for a new vaccination campaign in the fight against the Corona pandemic. Source: rbb.

Nord Stream maintenance: will Russia soon let the Germans freeze?

The Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea pipeline was shut down on Monday morning. According to a spokeswoman for Nord Stream AG in Switzerland, mechanical parts and automatic systems are being checked. The throttling intensifies fears in Germany of an energy emergency in the autumn. Moreover, due to the dramatic expected rise in energy prices, homeowners and property management companies are increasing the monthly flat rate for heating costs among other measures. Furthermore, a question is posed to Germany: will the Russians turn the pipeline back on after the scheduled ten to 14 days? Source: DW.

IG Metall demands eight per cent wage increase

IG Metall is the trade union with the largest membership in Germany, and it is currently entering collective bargaining for the German metal and electrical industry with a demand for 8.0 per cent more money. Chairman Jörg Hofmann justified the highest demand since 2008 with the good earnings situation of the companies and the high inflation. The collective agreements of the metal and electrical industry apply to about 3.9 million workers in important core sectors of German industry such as vehicle and machine construction. The employers’ association Gesamtmetall accused the union of being blind to the reality of the industry. Source: Spiegel.


How Western museums benefit from Colonial Looting

Review: The Brutish Museums: The Benin Bronzes, Colonial Violence and Cultural Restitution

The preface to the paperback edition of Dan Hicks’s The Brutish Museums ends with a suggestion: “you might just now skip ahead and take a look at Appendix 5. Ask yourself how near you are right this minute from a looted Benin Bronze.” For me, the answer was easy.  Appendix 5 is a provisional list of museums and galleries that hold objects looted from Benin City in 1897. The Appendix lists 24 German museums, including Berlin’s Ethnologisches Museum and Bode Museum. While the UK and the US each have more museums on the list, Appendix 1, showing the distribution of bronze plaques across them, places the Ethnologisches Museum at the top. 255 plaques are kept in the Humboldt Forum, compared to the 192 that can be found in the British Museum, the runner-up.

The usual story about how the Benin bronzes ended in places like Berlin is retold in museum exhibitions around the Western world. In January 1897, a British delegation went to meet with the Oba of Benin in what is now Benin City, Nigeria. The delegation was ambushed and killed almost entirely, so in February a “punitive expedition” brought an end to the Kingdom of Benin. Thousands of bronze, ivory, and coral “fetish” objects were taken as war bounty and spread across museums and private collections.

Published by Pluto Press in 2020 and released as a paperback in 2021, its purpose is to show how this story’s retelling is part of the colonial violence that, according to Hicks, is continued and reenacted every day as these museums open their doors to visitors. Hicks would know: he is Curator at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford (10 bronze plaques, according to Appendix 1), and Professor of Contemporary Archaeology at the same University. Invoking Swedish author Sven Lindqvist’s encouragement to “dig where you stand,” Hicks offers his book as an “Anglo-centric” account of the violence of exhibiting colonial loot.

the “motto” that Hicks repeats throughout the book: “as the border is to the nation state so the museum is to empire,” both racial technologies of categorization and differentiation.

Hicks reads archival sources and critical historiography to offer a different story than that on the labels in his own museum. His book skillfully navigates the complex internal politics of British colonial companies and protectorates to untangle the threads of colonial expansion in West Africa. Rather than an ambushed peaceful delegation, Hicks shows how the January 1897 clash was part of British officials’ concerted efforts to legitimate military action against African rulers who did not engage in trade on colonial terms. The punitive expedition was also not a mere defensive reaction. Hicks places it within what he calls “World War Zero:” a campaign of “small wars” (the British colonial euphemism) that together amounted to a coherent politics of killing, destruction, looting, and integration into a system of extraction and exploitation.

At the center of Hicks’s narrative are death, loss, and a “theory of taking.” The Benin bronzes, of religious and royal significance, were uprooted and commodified into “primitive” art. They were stolen by the British who participated in the military expedition and sold across Europe and North America. The usual story is that they were salvaged to be preserved and protected, but Hicks insists that they were war bounty in a landscape of “ultraviolence”. Part of this landscape was the anthropology museum, developing at the time as the enactor of a worldview that legitimated the new height of Empire. This is encapsulated in the “motto” that Hicks repeats throughout the book: “as the border is to the nation state so the museum is to empire,” both racial technologies of categorization and differentiation.

By tracing the history of the bronzes throughout the 20th and 21st centuries Hicks also traces the history of the anthropology museum. Although the book does have a penchant for literary turns of phrase and catchy theoretical coinages, it skillfully intervenes in debates about material culture and museal studies without losing the reader in esoteric details. Hicks shows, for instance, that the “universal museum” of the early 21st century is once again a legitimation of imperial expansion. It was born as the Iraq war was drawing new civilizational boundaries, situating the West as the legitimate protector of universal human values and of universal human art.

Nevertheless, Hicks sees his book as a “defence” of the anthropology museum, a vision of the museum without stolen loot and as a space to critically reflect on history and colonialism. He references the efforts toward restitution that have come out of Nigeria, Europe, and North America. More work is needed, he argues, if his book is truly to have been written at the beginning of a “decade of returns,” as he titles his afterword. Work that carefully traces the trajectory of stolen objects, that names names and points fingers. Work done from within the museums that continue to enact colonial violence, not left only to Nigerian institutions and activists. And work that offers material, real solutions for restitution, not just neocolonial musings on how art needs to be protected and to reach a universal (read “white”) audience.

Hicks’s merit is being able to transform his book, ostensibly about the Oxford museum at which he works, into a powerful argument about the global endurance of colonialism. Even Germany finds its deserved place in this Anglo-centric story. There are the expected references to the 1884 Berlin conference (which carved the European zones of influence in Africa) and the Herero and Nama genocides (conducted just a few years after the Benin expedition). But Imperial Germany had a central role in the spread of the Benin loot. German anthropologists were some of the new museums’ principal developers. At their behest, Benin bronzes were already being acquired through the Empire’s Lagos consulate in 1898, and a significant number of the estimated 10,000 stolen objects ended up in Berlin, Hamburg or Munich.

If the stolen Benin objects are, in Hicks’s words, “ten thousand unfinished events” it is up to students, historians, curators, and activists to steer their futures toward restitution… But, as Hicks is aware, we must not allow intellectual work and scholarly activism to turn into self-congratulatory complacence

The connections did not stop in the 19th century. Neil MacGregor, a former director of the British Museum and one of the main targets of Hicks’s critiques, also served as the funding director of Berlin’s neocolonial Humboldt Forum, home to the Ethnologisches Museum and forced home to the Benin bronzes. Resistance to the Forum’s construction and calls for its defunding are part of Germany’s more and more urgent reckoning with its own enduring colonial violence – a reckoning that has drawn angry backlash. Writing recently from Berlin, Hicks sees both hope and risks at the horizon. Hope because Nigeria and Germany have signed an agreement that will see the return of 1,130 items looted from the Kingdom of Benin (similar German pledges have been made to Namibia, Tanzania, and Cameroon). Risks because, as Hicks tells from his visit to the Humboldt Forum, this is just a beginning. A beginning that still takes place on the grounds of Eurocentric, white universalism, and can still be co-opted into bolstering, rather than undoing, colonial violence.

Qualified hope is the outlook of The Brutish Museums. Its afterword begins by again addressing its readers: “This is the kind of book where the reader has to write the conclusion by taking action.” If the stolen Benin objects are, in Hicks’s words, “ten thousand unfinished events” it is up to students, historians, curators, and activists to steer their futures toward restitution. In these undecided trajectories, as Hicks quotes from researcher and curator Suraya Kassim, “there is a danger (some may argue an inevitability) that the museum will exhibit decoloniality in much the same way they display(-ed) black and brown bodies as part of Empire’s ‘collection’.”

This danger is present in The Brutish Museums as a cultural product. The paperback’s cover declares it one of the “NEW YORK TIMES 2020 Best Art Books,” an endorsement that has probably increased its sales in museum bookshops. And when the reader turns the book around and looks at the fine print, they can see that the picture of a bronze head that adorns the cover underneath this blurb is copyrighted to “The Trustees of the British Museum.” Considering Hicks’s insistence on the Maxim machine gun and photography as key technologies of 1890s’ colonialism, this is not just ironic. It is proof of Hicks’s own thesis about the temporal expansion of colonial violence into the present.

For all interested in this (and it should be all of us), or interested in issues of art, justice, and restitution, The Brutish Museums is an important book. But, as Hicks is aware, we must not allow intellectual work and scholarly activism to turn into self-congratulatory complacence. And we must not forget that Hicks writes from and for the metropole’s centers of power. No number of self-aware, critical books can be a substitute for full restitution.

Corner Späti

Weekly discussions of a deteriorating world all from the comfort of your local smoke-filled Spätkauf

Corner Späti is a weekly political comedy podcast about Europe based out of Berlin hosted by comedians, researchers, historians and journalists Ciarán, Nick, Julia, Uma and Rob. You may remember them from the 2021 election night show in Donau115. The podcast discusses news, history and movements from a left wing perspective while laughing at an absurd world and system that demands to be taken seriously.

The podcast has been going since 2019 covering a wide range of topics such as more serious discussions of Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen, Palestine in German Media and revolutions in the post-Soviet world to less serious and more comedic discussions of Bulgaria’s richest man attempting to start a political party in exile or Georgia’s ruling party being named after the richest man’s son’s hit rap song. You can browse the full range of topics discussed here. Hopefully there’s an episode here that’s interesting and will make you laugh.

On Sunday July 17th at 18:30, Corner Späti will be doing a live show in noisy Rooms, Revaler str. 99 as a part of Podfest Berlin 2022. Podfest Berlin is a festival that brings together various podcasts in this city, in German, English, French, Arabic etc to conduct live recordings with an audience. Tickets are available here  and you can use the code COMMUNITY-DEAL-EINS to get 20% off a single ticket or COMMUNITY-DEAL-22 to get 20% off the weekend ticket. Here’s a facebook event for those who need it. The Podcasts range from comedy to serious, news to story telling, so there should be something for everyone.

Bye bye bozo: We’re finally rid of Boris Johnson. What next?

There is political life after Boris Johnson. But there is more hope with striking rail workers than Tory would-be prime ministers or the insipid opposition.


On the 7th July 2022, Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister mired in scandal, resigned. Except he didn’t. .Not really. In a self-aggrandising speech, he vaguely expressed his intention to step down, maybe in the autumn some time. He said that his ministers were “eccentric” for calling on him to resign, and added “but them’s the breaks”. Really.

At the time of writing, over 50 ministers have resigned from the government, keen to abandon the sinking Johnson ship. Rats leaving King Rat. On 5th July Nadhim Zahawi, the Education Secretary, accepted a promotion to Chancellor, stating his full confidence in the PM. Yet by the morning of 7th July he was calling for his resignation, in a letter weirdly libellous to Jeremy Corbyn. It seems they were really worried about Corbyn. The newly promoted Education Secretary, Michelle Donelan, lasted two days before resigning. It is worth noting that ministers are automatically given a three-months salary pay-off after leaving government.

Johnson has been clinging to power, making a Trump-esque spectacle of himself. The once popular dishevelled clown of a politician is now deeply unpopular with voters. Even the monarchist types celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee booed him. It was obvious his days were numbered after he’d lost the patriotic royalist crowd. Even now he seems determined to stay, planning a big wedding party at the PM’s summer residence Chequers. Why has he resigned? Will we ever be actually rid of him? And what fresh horror will replace him?

So Many Scandals

There have been so many scandals during Johnson’s reign, it is hard to remember them all. We have had the PPE Contracts scandal, the Track and Trace App scandal, the Partygate scandal during which the PM and his cronies broke COVID rules and held parties while ordinary people were isolating and dying without their loved ones. Johnson received a fine for this from the Metropolitan Police, but what’s a fine to a rich man? He shrugged off calls to resign over that particular scandal.

There has been the scandal of Johnson trying to get his wife (then-mistress) a highly paid job in government. There was the scandal where he gave a different mistress public money and access to foreign trade missions as London Mayor. The scandal of his then-mistress allegedly giving him oral sex in his office. Apologies if you were a bit sick in your mouth there. A scandal about his time as London Mayor, during which he allegedly tried to procure a job for a young woman in return for her sexual involvement with him, has recently surfaced. He has also faced allegations of groping a journalist.

The scandal that finished him off was one involving sexual assault allegations about someone other than him. Johnson appointed Chris Pincher as Tory deputy Chief Whip, despite knowing that there were existing sexual assault allegations against him. Chris Pincher then allegedly groped two men and it was made known that Johnson was aware of his reputation. That unpleasant reputation being “Pincher by name, pincher by nature”. Johnson initially lied about knowing about the allegations, until evidence was produced proving he did.

This scandal, apparently, was the final straw for his government ministers. They miraculously grew a moral backbone and started to resign. First Sajid Javid his Health Secretary resigned, then Rishi Sunak his Chancellor. A steady stream of ministerial resignations followed, and previously loyal backbench MPs made a public show of withdrawing their support.

It seems clear that these hitherto enthusiastic Johnson supporters have not all suddenly had an attack of conscience. They have not suddenly been released from a collective trance. Rishi Sunak’s website domain for his leadership bid, looks to have been registered since December 2021. It is well-known that Johnson is a notorious liar intent on furthering his own interests. This is news to nobody. They supported him until their own self-interest was threatened. During every previous scandal, every action that has harmed people, they have been involved or complicit. They could have resigned or spoken out at any point.

Johnson is odious, but he was just the figurehead of a rotten and corrupt government. The biggest, greediest pig at the trough of other greedy pigs. Ministers were happy to hand out PPE contracts to their ill-equipped mates during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, profit came before the lives of ordinary people. Priti Patel, who has also called for Johnson to resign, as Home Secretary has pursued a vicious anti-refugee agenda. These are not ‘good Tories’, no matter what liberals with short memories might say. Former PM Theresa May is not a ‘Girl Boss’ despite revelling in Johnson’s downfall. Remember the ‘Go Home Vans’?

The Opposition

Unfortunately, the official Labour opposition is led by unpopular sentient ham Sir Keir Starmer QC, flanked by equally uninspiring careerist voids. Instead of vigorously pursuing Johnson, they have focussed their efforts on badmouthing the former leader (they were worried about him too), facilitating the bullying of Muslim women and fixing internal candidate selections. They have an open goal with this corrupt failing government but seem intent on kicking the shins of their teammates and supporters instead.

Starmer issued a statement stating that Johnson was “always unfit to govern”. Which is odd given that his line during the Johnson government’s mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic was “we support the government”, even praising the government’s Covid response as an “amazing piece of work”. He was spotted in the royal box at Wimbledon on the day Johnson resigned. His own potential scandal, beergate, perhaps had him on the back foot, although he has been consistently useless at holding the government to account. Why change now?

What happens next?

So far, 11 Tories have thrown their hats into the leadership ring, including Sunak (be a shame not to use that website), Javid and Zahawi. The complete rogue’s gallery of contenders is here. They seem determined to outdo each other in terms of bigotry and tax cutting.

The process of choosing a new chief pig is going to take around 8 weeks – it is being reported now that Johnson will remain as PM until September 6th, and then presumably be removed from 10 Downing Street kicking and screaming, his hands full of gold wallpaper.

A sign of hope has appeared on the horizon in the form of strikes by the RMT rail union and other groups of workers such as legal aid barristers, teachers and health workers. As the official opposition is not up to the job, it is time for the resurgence of working class power. There are more of us than them, and the smears will be harder to pin on us all, although they will try.

As RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch said at the Durham Miner’s Gala, “The working class is back. We refuse to be meek, we refuse to be humble, and we refuse to be poor anymore!”. Let’s mostly ignore the internal Tory squabbles, leave the official opposition to their own internal machinations, and get ready for the fight of our lives. It’s time they were worried about us all.