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Macron shows his contempt for democracy

France is still waiting for the President to name a new Prime Minister


Seven weeks ago, President Macron’s party was defeated at the parliamentary elections in France, losing over 90 seats (they were already running a minority government before the poll). But Macron has so far refused to nominate a left Prime Minister, despite the fact that the left alliance (New Popular Front) is the largest group of MPs in the National Assembly, with over 185 seats to Macron’s 160. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a leader of the France Insoumise (France in Revolt), has accused the president of being “an autocrat” who is “causing chaos”.

Macron declares war on the France Insoumise

Meanwhile, Macron has been trying to squeeze every last bit of political capital out of the success of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, subjecting athletes to embarassingly long hugs, while his cronies try to cobble together some kind of left-right coalition. The priority, say the anti-democratic Macronists, is to exclude “extremists of the Left and of the Right” – that is to say, the France Insoumise, the most radical of the four parties in the left alliance, and the fascist National Rally. So they are searching for a Prime Minister, preferably from some left party, who rejects the NPF’s radical programme and hates the France Insoumise. The traditional right Republicans are backing Macron up, by saying that they will immediately propose a vote of no confidence if the new government includes ministers from the France Insoumise, but not if there is a soft left alliance with Macron.

Macron has in effect declared war on the France Insoumise. After Rima Hassan, an FI Euro MP, published a pro-Palestinian tweet pointing out that even the United Nations did not treat the events of October 7th like they treat terrorist attacks, and that outside of the Western powers, almost noone dismisses Hamas as a terrorist organization, Macron organized 51 of his MPs to demand that Rima Hassan’s parliamentary immunity should be lifted and that she should be tried for supporting terrorism. He is hoping that this sort of fabricated “scandal” will split and weaken the New Popular Front. The right wing media will be trying, disgustingly, to claim there is a link between principled opposition to genocide in Gaza, and the horrific antisemitic attack on a synagogue in La Grande Motte in southern France this weekend.

In his speech at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landing in the South of France, Macron hit peak hypocrisy, declaring “We must not give into division”. This is the president who made everyone work two years longer, and slashed unemployment benefit, while abolishing the wealth tax, viciously repressing the yellow vests and demonizing Muslims.

Can Macron split the Left alliance?

Macron’s zombie government, who have officially resigned, are continuing their work against us. Darmanin, interior minister, is rabidly stoking islamophobia, because he knows the left fightback on this issue will be muted. A Muslim preacher from Pessac in the South West of France is threatened with deportation because he defends Palestine and because he has declared that France “is an Islamophobic country.” And a major mosque in Marseille is being threatened with closure by the police on trumped up charges.

Austerity continues too. The ex-Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has sent letters to the ministers of health, education and others, telling them they should cut hundreds of millions of Euros in real terms from their budgets over the next year. Even centre-right MPs like Charles de Courson are protesting that “it is not good for democracy” for a government which has in theory resigned after its election defeat to do this.

On August 23rd, Macron met with the heads of all political parties, promising to choose a Prime Minister shortly afterwards. He is hoping to be able to avoid following democratic procedure and naming Lucie Castets, a candidate who is loyal to the radical NPF manifesto, and upon whom the four left parties have agreed.

In this slowly developing but deep crisis, the four parties of the left alliance (France in Revolt, Socialists, Communists and Greens) are revealing their political differences, although none has yet broken ranks to form an alliance with Macron’s people. Faced with Macron’s refusal to appoint Lucie Castets, the France Insoumise has threatened to launch an impeachment procedure against him. This initiative was denounced by the Communist Party leadership, and Socialist and Green leaders distanced themselves from such a “disruptive” suggestion.

The mass media are running a frenzied campaign to present Macron’s choices as sensible and good for the country, although left leaders are regularly interviewed at length (if aggressively) on TV. Alternative media are playing an important rôle, especially for left activists and sympathizers: a 90 minute analysis of the present political situation by Jean-Luc Mélénchon got 400,000 views on YouTube, as did a recent television interview with Marine Tondelier, leader of the Green Party.

Preparing the fightback

The end of August is the traditional time for political summer schools in France. Over five thousand people are attending the four-day France Insoumise summer school in Valence ; 116 meetings will be involved. Major speakers include Lucie Castets, Olivier Besancenot of the New Anticapitalist Party, and Assa Traore, who has been an inspiring campaigner against police violence and racism since her brother was murdered by police in 2016. The Communist Party is holding its summer school over three days, with 66 meetings. Two thousand five hundred activists listened enthusiastically to Lucie Castets at the Greens’ summer school on 22 August, and several hundred people are gathering for four days on the South coast at the summer school of the New Anticapitalist Party. Everywhere activists are debating about the best strategy in a completely new institutional crisis, and an ever more polarized situation.

Macron’s attempt to split the left and persuade the centre left to ditch all radical policies has not yet worked. He may be obliged to allow the formation of a minority government by the New Popular Front. Such a government might have difficulty passing legislation (although there may well be a majority in the House for certain welcome measures such as reversing last year’s rise in the standard retirement age or establishing minimum agricultural prices to protect small farmers). But passing new laws is not the only thing governments do. A number of important clauses in the NPF programme could be carried out by a left government without a vote in parliament: for example dissolving the most racist police units, raising the minimum wage and minimum pension, raising public sector wages, freezing prices of basic foodstuffs, and recognizing the state of Palestine.

What happens in parliament in the next few months is important. Whatever government is formed will be a minority government and further elections cannot be held till next June. But mass mobilization will be key. We may need mass action to force Macron to name an NPF Prime Minister. We will certainly need mass action to support the enacting of the reforms in the programme when resistance from the rich and powerful turns out to be even more vicious than the radical left leadership thinks it will be. And if Macron takes his contempt for democracy further and hand picks his left-right alliance government, mass strikes and demonstrations will be needed to throw them out. And if no minority government can survive, we must demand that Macron resigns and that a new president is elected.

Urgent appeal: Help us build a water well to survive the war

Fundraiser for Nilin Village


To our friends and to all the people in the world who believe in our freedom.

My name is Saeed Amireh. I am Palestinian, from the West Bank village of Nilin.

This is our desperate call for help.

For many years, my village has been suffering. Nilin has been surrounded on four sides by illegal Israeli settlements and the Israeli apartheid wall built on our land.

The original inhabitants of Nilin have been forcibly displaced to other parts of the West Bank and outside of Palestine.

Israeli crimes against my village include arrest, shooting, killing, terrorising us day and night. They want to cut us off from all means of life and existence. We are unable to farm the land, the main source of income for so many families.

When the war started on the 7th October, the Israeli soldiers began a different strategy of revenge in the West Bank. They introduced a new level of brutality and violence which we have never before experienced.

They blocked the entrance of Nilin, isolating it completely from other Palestinian villages and cities. They started a huge campaign of arrests and shootings. They invaded day and night to make our lives hell. We have no medical care and people can’t attend hospitals or go to work.

Farmers can’t farm their lands or harvest our olive groves. If anyone approaches the fields, they are shot dead or arrested and placed in administrative detention. What happens in Israeli prisons has been widely documented.

Worst of all is the strategy of starvation they are practicing against us. Since the 7th of October until today, the people of Nilin have no work or any means of income. The price of food has skyrocketed due to the war.

Our people are helping each other by sharing what they have. Shops have been lending food to those in need, in the hope they can repay them when the war is over.

Now, our people have nothing left to offer. The shop owners are in huge difficulty because they cannot be repaid as the war continues.

I, with my friends, have been doing all we can to organise food parcels and buy what is necessary for the families most in need. We have been campaigning as much as we can for help from people who could donate and help us to survive this war.

Today the village is not only suffering from starvation and the absence of security, but also from daily attacks by Israeli settlers. They continue to provoke us and cut off water to the village. We sometimes spend many days without water.

Some in the village who are capable of constructing a water well have started to dig to prepare for the worst happening. We fear a regional war will break out and Israel will cut off our access to water permanently. They continue to provide us with deadlines for when they will attack us.

We don’t feel this war is ending any time soon and we must prepare for what’s coming.

During this difficult time, my family and village cannot afford to construct this well to provide water, which is the most vital element on this earth for existence! We need water to drink, cook, clean and avoid many diseases.

This is a plea to our friends and all people of the world who believe in our freedom. Please donate what you can to help us to construct a water well in Nilin and help us to avoid starvation. Please help us overcome this huge challenge for existence that we are facing, as fast as possible, before it’s too late.

The water well will be designed to gather the rain water. It will be filled manually and filtered. If any further donations are given, they will go directly to food parcels for the families most in need.

Please share this message. Thank you so much and God bless you all.

Saeed Amireh

Support Saeed’s fundraiser here.

The News from Berlin and Germany, 21st August 2024

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



Charges against Berlin politician Kalayci

Charges have been brought against former Berlin health senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD). The Berlin public prosecutor’s office has accused the politician of bribery. She has emphatically rejected the accusations levelled against her. According to the investigation, Kalayci and a man from an advertising agency allegedly agreed in spring 2019 that the agency would take over the planning and organisation of Kalayci’s wedding, the costs of which (12,000 euros) were never invoiced. This same firm later received a contract for 270 thousand euros for a campaign for the health ministry. However, as explained by her lawyer, the politician ‘assumed that the advertising agency’s services had been properly invoiced and paid for in full.’ Source: t-online


Far-right demo broken up near Leipzig Pride event

Neo-Nazis and far-right extremists staged a demonstration in the vacinity of a Pride event in Leipzig last Saturday. Police said around 300-400 people took part in the rally. These supporters of extreme right wing politics gathered at the city’s main railway station under the banner: “Proud, German, National.” Several crimes and violations of Germany’s assembly law were reported by Saxony’s police on X. Several hundred participants were detained temporarily. Earlier this month, nearly 700 far-right protesters arranged a march during a Pride rally in Bautzen, again in Saxony, sparking a large police presence. Source: dw

Four airports in Germany blocked by climate activists

“Letzte Generation” climate activists demonstrated at several German airports last week. The Cologne/Bonn airport announced that it was suspending flights after an “unauthorized intrusion.” Police has reported that a hole had been cut in the perimeter fence. Later that same day, Nuremberg also confirmed it was pausing operations due to a protest. In Berlin and Stuttgart, police said that activists were arrested without disrupting traffic. “The stakes right now are billions of human lives. Climate collapse is already a reality for many people,” the activists wrote on social media site X. Source: dw

Minister urges residents to move to German countryside

Housing Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD) has urged residents to move to the countryside where “almost 2 million houses are empty” to avoid the rising cost of renting and buying a house in major German cities. Despite Geywitz’s advice, there is evidence that these rent rises have been spilling into towns and villages, particularly since the outbreak of coronavirus, as well as the possibility of home office. The minister has a plan for increasing urban to rural migration in Germany, saying that the government is working with municipalities to increase rural pull factors. Further details ar to follow in November. Source: iamexpat

Sabotage fears prompt water scare near German base

Ten thousand people living near a military base close to Bonn were told to stop using tap water on Thursday night, as authorities investigated a case of possible sabotage at a water supply site. Meanwhile, Nato reported an attempted trespass at its base at Geilenkirchen close to the Dutch border. The extent of sabotage in each of the three incidents remains unclear although Germany’s armed forces, the Bundeswehr, have been on heightened alert due to Russia’s war in Ukraine. No one has yet been detained for any of the three alleged sabotage incidents. Source: bbc

Traffic lights are ‘practically no longer fit for government’ for Merz

CDU leader Friedrich Merz believes the coalition government has failed. He made these comments in reaction to the description by Green Party leader Omid Nouripour as a ‘transitional government’. Merz said that this is an ‘admission that this coalition no longer has anything to say’ and is ‘basically now really at the end’ . ‘The fourth largest economy in the world is practically no longer capable of governing and that is not good for any of us.’ Meanwhile, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is ‘living in a different world’ and making light of the situation, said the CDU leader in the same interview. Source: welt

Court rejects appeal by concentration camp secretary

The former concentration camp secretary Irmgard Furchner was has been convicted of aiding and abetting murder in over 10,000 cases. This is the decision reached by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in a landmark judgement on Tuesday. The case has been contraversal as Furchner is now 99 years old. From 1943 to 1945, she was a typist at the Stutthof concentration camp near Gdansk. ‘Should a criminal offence be prosecuted at all after such a long time?’ asked presiding judge Gabriele Cirener right at the beginning of the verdict, picking up on the public debate. ‘The answer of the law is quite clear,’ Cirener then said, ’murder is not time-barred.’ Source: taz

Free Gaza / Beats Against Genocide

Rally and Concert for Gaza

For over 10 months, Israel has been carrying out a genocide in the Gaza Strip. While tens of thousands of civilists have been slaughtered with German weapons and the support of the German government, legitimate protest here in Germany against this war crime is criminalisd and suppressed with brutal police violence. In particularly in the area around Sonnenallee in Neukölln in recent months we have witnessed how a whole community had been reduced to solence and their grief has been suffocated.

In order to oppose Germany’s support for the mass murder in Gaza and the criminalisation of Palestinian voices, we are organising a large protest rally on the last Friday of the school holidays together with a rap concert. Solidarity with our siblings in Gaza! Solidarity with the vicims of anti-Palestinian police violence in Berlin!

Action – Free Gaza / Beats Against Genocide with Ali Bumaye, S Castro, Secret Act, DJ Craft, Tenor, Camaro, Nassiemog

Friday, 23rd August from 6.30pm, Berlin Südstern (NOTE: the police have moved the event from its original venue)

Next trial in the attempted criminalisation of the slogan “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” in Germany

Statement by the European Legal Support Centre (ELSC)


The case of Daria

On 22nd August 2024, activist Daria will face her first hearing at the Berlin court Amtsgericht Tiergarten. She is accused of  ‘circulation of symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organisations’ (§ 86 StGB) for chanting the slogan “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” at a demonstration on the 9th of March 2024.

Her case does not stand in isolation. Rather, it is one of many that are challenging the attempted criminalisation of the slogan ‘’Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea’’ by German authorities. This attempt clearly constitutes a political move to control and repress the Palestine solidarity movement in Germany as a whole.

ELSC Lawyer Nadija Samour is representing Daria at the trial. Nadija Samour comments:

‘’This is an attack on the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and stands on a shaky legal basis. However, this is a highly political case, the court might seek to forward the case to a higher court by imposing a financial penalty on Daria in this first instance. We will then definitely appeal and expect to win at a higher tribunal.”

A similar trial had recently raised international attention. Here, a Berlin court sentenced an activist to a fine for chanting ‘Palestine will be free from the river to the sea’ at a demonstration against racism in German schools. The court argued that because the demonstration happened on October 11th, using this slogan would constitute a criminal offence, referring to the ‘endorsement of criminal acts’.

‘’Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea’’ is a call for Palestinian liberation and an end to genocidal settler-colonialism, apartheid, land grabbing and other forms of systematic oppression of the Palestinian people since at least 1948. Israeli officials regularly reiterate the colonial logic to annihilate Palestinian existence on the land between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea, the historic Palestine.

In the past, German authorities have protected far right Israeli activists using the slogan “From the river to the sea” as a call for Israeli supremacy and the annihilation of Palestine on multiple occasions.

At the same time, attempts to criminalise the slogan “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea”, with several instances dating back to as early as 2022, are ever-growing. At the time, the conference of interior ministers had declared that it would test and use all legal measures that allow a criminalisation of the use of the slogan to express Palestine solidarity.

This led to shocking levels of authoritarian state repression, as Daria explains:

”The risk of a penalty fine is obviously not the most relevant consequence here. Police are using the quite severe offence charges to justify brutal violence against protestors. In the past few months, dozens of people have been beaten to a state of unconsciousness during police crackdowns and had to be hospitalized with severe injuries; some have had their homes raided just for saying “From the river to the sea”.

The criminalisation of the slogan is clearly an attempt to generate consent for the persecution of the Palestine solidarity movement and ultimately for the genocide in Palestine. More broadly, it is used to cement racist stereotypes and white supremacist mentality in the German societal consciousness. This is meant to pave the way for more fascistic politics, like the practical annulment of human rights for refugees, the police occupation of non-white neighbourhoods and  the overall militarisation of police at the cost of defunding education and social services, just to name a few examples.

The persecution of the Palestine solidarity movement is not an isolated phenomenon but is part of a large-scale fascisation of this country and Europe as a whole, which will be affecting everybody soon enough. Very telling that the German public, of all countries, doesn’t care to recognise where this leads to.”

German authorities have only been expanding their alarmingly violent measures to suppress the Palestine solidarity movement. German Federal Minister of Interior Nancy Faeser, for instance, has declared the slogan illegal and punishable as a crime with a prison sentence of up to three years by decree in November 2023, but it is usually punished with a fine upon conviction.

In May 2024, the German Federal Ministry of Justice reiterated Nancy Faeser’s decree and declared the slogan to be a ‘’Hamas slogan’’ and therefore punishable. Merely days after this declaration, the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia banned the group Palestine Solidarity Duisburg over alleged support for Hamas for the group’s use of the slogan. This resulted in several raids of the homes of activists in May 2024.

The German ministry of Interior is further preparing a draconian migration law, which would effectively end free speech for nationals in Germany who do not carry the citizenship and pave the way for extensive online surveillance of migrants.

The German parliament seems unwilling to prevent these developments and is preparing a declaration which calls for extensive state repression of anyone vaguely expressing Palestine solidarity through criminalisation, but also through cutting cultural funding and interfering in academic research.

While much of the repression against the Palestine solidarity movement is issued on a German Federal level, the ruling Government of Germany’s capital Berlin has been particularly eager to press for even more authoritarian measures. The absurd and ineffectual ban of red triangles has raised eyebrows recently. Of outmost concern should be the push to remove students from universities in Berlin, effectively denying the right to education based on political grounds, specifically with relation to Palestine solidarity.

Nevertheless, attempts to criminalise the slogan have been pushed back against successfully at German courts before. In June 2024, a court in Munich granted a demonstration the right to express the slogan.

Activists will now accompany Daria’s trial with a rally in front of the courthouse on Thursday August 22 starting at 9:00 am. At her previous hearing on August 6, a huge group had gathered in support When the defendant left the court, dozens shouted in solidarity: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.