Palestine Reading Group 1: Understanding Palestinian liberation struggles in the context of (in comparison to) apartheid and other decolonization struggles

  •  17/11/2023
     19:00 - 20:30

NOTE: This event is now fully subscribed, as is a second reading group with the same reading. We will be organising further sessions. For more information, please contact the LINKE Internationals Telegram group. We can also put you on a waiting list in case anyone drops out of this reading group.

Many of us are furious about the ongoing genocide against Palestinians, the illegal occupation and support by the German state. We need to be visible but we also must be educated.

Join us at our first reading group where we will share resources and discuss together.

This event is free and open to everyone, for the location details please send us an email or DM.


Further Reading

You can also find the information in the Linke Internationals Telegram channel.