Association of Palestinian and Jewish Academics

Countering the Repressive Discourse on Palestine/Israel


We are Palestinian and Jewish academics with personal, professional, and institutional ties to Germany and other German-speaking countries. We are organized to counter the development of repressive discourses, policies, and actions related to Palestine/Israel. Our association includes scholars of the histories, religions, laws, cultures and politics of the region, as well as of Palestinian and Jewish diasporic cultures. Our collaboration is built upon our lived experiences, professional expertise, and ethical commitments. Please see our statement for a full explanation of our principles.

We came together in early 2024 with a commitment to building a sustainable organizational structure within which we could foster critical academic research, teaching and advocacy in a climate of increased threats to academic freedom, particularly in relation to Palestine solidarity. Inspired by student campus activism both in Germany and internationally and disturbed by the silences and limited interventions of colleagues, we committed ourselves to working in solidarity with each other at bringing Palestinian and critical Jewish academic voices to bear on scholarly and public debates.