Book Club: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (Walter Rodney): Sixth meeting

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  •  25/05/2025
     19:00 - 21:00

In the third The Left Berlin Book Club, we will be reading Walter Rodney’s How Europe Underdeveloped Africa together. Book Club usually takes place on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in the Agit buildings, Nansenstraße 2.

Meetings for this book are as follows:

  • Sunday, 23rd March: Chapter One: Some Questions on Development
  • Sunday, 6th April: Chapter Two: How Africa Developed before the coming of the Europeans – Up to the Fifteenth Century
  • Sunday, 13th April: Chapter Three: Africa’s Contribution to European Capitalist Development—The Pre-Colonial Period
  • Sunday, 27th April: Chapter Four: Europe and the Roots of African Underdevelopment— To 1885
  • Sunday, 11th May: Chapter Five: Africa’s Contributions to the Capitalist Development of Europe— The Colonial Period
  • Sunday, 25th May (this session): Chapter Six: Colonialism as a System for Underdeveloping Africa

Read How Europe Underdeveloped Africa here. It really helps the discussion if you read the relevant chapter in advance.