18:00 - 20:00
Journalists from Midia Ninja in Brazil are currently in Europe, and this week they’ll be in Berlin.
On FRIDAY, 26th NOVEMBER, you have the chance to meet them and find out about their work. They will also bring along some film from Brazil’s struggle for democracy and some material of the collective coverage of the proteste against COP26 summit in Glasgow.
In return, they’d like to hear from you about activities in Berlin, in particular the Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen (DWE) referendum to expropriate the big landlords.
The meet-up will start at 6pm at Nansenstraße 2, the office of Right2TheCity – the non German wing of DWE. If you are interested in learning more, please come along.
COVID RULES: this meeting is open to people who have been vaxxed AND have had a Covid test in the 24 hours before the meeting (there are many places in Berlin you can do this for free). We will have a limited number of self-tests at the venue.