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19:00 - 21:00
This meeting will be online. If you’d like to take part, contact lag.internationals@die-linke-berlin.de for a link.
Planned Agenda
1. Introduction
Who’s here?
2. Ukraine
What’s happening? What do we think? What should we do?
3. Report from the Walking Tour and Küfa
How did they go? Do we want to organise another Walking Tour? Do we want propose carry on doing Küfas with Right2TheCity?
4. New voting rights campaign
Brief report on what is happening
5. Proposal of a film and discussion on Western Sahara
around April
6. Report back from meetings about public meetings on Palestine
7. Report back from first planning meeting for Summer Camp, 25-26 June
8. Money
9. Members
We finally have a list of official LAG members. Are you on that list? How do we gain more members?