Aktionsbündnis A100 stoppen​

Stop the extension of the A100 motorway


Aktionsbündnis A100 stoppen! (Action Group stop the A1000!) is a network of Berlin initiatives and activists who are campaigning for a sustainable, humane and ecological urban development and transport politics. The alliance is independent of political parties.

An important goal is to prevent the extension of the Berlin urban motorway, the A100.

The 16th construction phase of the A100 from Neukölln to Treptow started in May 2013. Now there are plans for a 17th phase from Treptower Park through Friedrichshain up to Storkower Straße. This would be the prelude of a new motorway ring through the East of Berlin along the Ringbahn.

The motorway plans come from wishes in the 1950s for a car-friendly city and were revisited after the fall of the Berlin wall.

On 5th June, there will be a national action day for a social and climate-friendly mobility change, where citizens initiatives, climate groups and NGOs will be taking part in bicycle demos, rallies and protest actions against the construction of motorways and trunk roads across the country.

In Berlin, the focus will be on the A100 and the demand to stop building now.

Let’s turn the future motorways into a recreation space and meeting place. Walking and cycling are still desirable.

Our demands

  • An immediate moratorium for plans and construction of the A100 between Neukölln and Storkower Straße

  • The plan for federal transport routes and the development act for building the A100 must be removed!

  • The money which is freed must be used to finance a socially just and ecological change in transport policies.

  • Enable the building of social housing on the 16th construction phase! Cycle lanes on the areas which have been sealed off until now.

  • Keep the clubs on the planned route!

A hygiene concept will be in force throughout the whole action, We will be protesting with masks and social distancing.