It’s one of the most celebrated scenes in film history. A man kneels in rags on an empty beach. As the camera pans out we see a familiar shape in the distance – the Statue of Liberty, waist deep in the sand. The man looks at the statue and shouts “Oh my God. I’m back. […]
Articles by Phil Butland
Brexit in the time of Corbyn – what’s going on in Britain?
In 2015, within 3½ months of each other, two important things happened [1]. On 27th May, David Cameron announced that there would be a referendum on Brexit. And on 12th September, Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the British Labour Party. These two events, which are rarely reported together, represented, in very different forms, the […]
What’s eating Sahra Wagenknecht? Aufstehen, refugees and racism
Why Sahra Wagenknecht’s Aufstehen movement is more about making concessions to racism than building a real movement