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News from Berlin and Germany, Thursday 15th February 2023

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



Fast admission for earthquake victims with relatives in Berlin 

After one of the worst earthquake catastrophes of the last decades at the Turkish-Syrian border area, with several thousand dead, the readiness to help and donate is great in Berlin. Turks, Syrians and other people from the affected region who want to reach their relatives in Berlin should be able to obtain the necessary visa quicker than usual. More specifically, the regulation applies to close relatives such as minor children and spouses, the Senate’s internal administration announced on Friday evening. According to the statement, the acceleration of visa issuance is valid until 31 July 2023. “The relatives will receive a residence permit.” Source:

CDU election winner Wegner wants to start talks “immediately”

“A clear mandate to govern” is what CDU top candidate Kai Wegner sees after the Sunday election in Berlin. After his victory, Wegner wants to enter into talks with the SPD and the Greens immediately. “In essence, we have two runners-up, two two-party constellations are possible – that is, black-red and black-green. I will invite both at the same time and hope for quick talks,” Wegner mentioned last Monday. The SPD won only 105 votes more than the Greens in the repeat election for the Berlin state parliament. Source: rbb24

Almost 4 million inhabitants

Berlin keeps growing and growing. Last year, the number of inhabitants rose by more than 75,000. A large part of the new Berliners are refugees from Ukraine. The number of residents in Berlin has reached a new high: as of 31 December 2022, around 3,851,000 people had their primary residence in the capital, more than at any time since the Second World War. This was announced by the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office on Tuesday; the data comes from the population register. At the same time, the number of people with German citizenship fell by 13,481. Source: rbb24

Police station at Kottbusser Tor opened

After years of discussions and planning, the controversial new police station at Kottbusser Tor in Berlin-Kreuzberg has opened. Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) spoke on Wednesday morning of the most modern police station in Berlin. She was “incredibly proud” of the project. However, in front of police cordons at Kottbusser Tor, around 200 mostly young people from the left-wing scene demonstrated against the police station, chanting: “Get lost, get lost”. The new small “Nebenwache am Kottbusser Tor”, as it is officially called, is located on the first floor of a high-rise building in the overpass over Adalbertstraße. Source: tagesspiegel

Little credibility

Activists from Fridays for Future at the Technical University of Berlin stand in front of the Rotes Rathaus (Red City Hall) during a demonstration under the motto “#BerlinWantsClimate”. In view of the election of the Berlin House of Deputies, the activists are calling for a climate-neutral Berlin by 2030. Many voters do not trust the parties represented in the Berlin state parliament to be able to meet the challenges of the climate crisis. This is suggested by the results of a representative survey, the results of which were published on Sunday by the Initiative Clever Cities of climate and transport lobbyist Heinrich Strößenreuter. Source: taz


At the expense of victims

Since the beginning of December, the Cologne Regional Court has been hearing a claim for damages for pain and suffering that could have extremely costly consequences for the Catholic Church, not only in this specific case, but overall. A young altar boy in the 1970s, who was repeatedly the victim of sexualized harassment at the hands of the Catholic priest Erich J., demands around 750,000 euros in damages. The Cologne archdiocese under the leadership of Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki does not deny the acts, which are part of the so-called Cologne Abuse Report. Source: jW

Saxony denies hardship case

The Saxon Hardship Commission does not consider the case of the family of former Vietnamese GDR contract worker Pham Phi Son, who is threatened with deportation, to be a case of hardship. Last Friday, the commision rejected the family’s application for a humanitarian right to stay. The 65-year-old Pham Phi Son came in 1987 as a contract worker and lived in Chemnitz as a blameless citizen. He had an unlimited residence permit. In 2016 he made a mistake: he extended his Vietnam leave to nine months for health reasons. However, a maximum of six months is allowed, otherwise the right of residence expires. Source: nd

Germany to produce Gepard ammunition

Germany has delivered more than 30 Gepard tanks to Ukraine – but ammunition is in short supply. Switzerland is blocking the delivery of Swiss-produced ammunition, considering the country’s neutral status, so Germany now wants to produce ammunition itself. “The contracts for the production of Gepard ammunition have been signed,” Defence Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) told at the NATO defence ministers’ meeting. He also appealed to the German defence industry to ramp up production capacities. The NATO countries are in Brussels to discuss further military support for Ukraine. Possible fighter jet deliveries are also likely to be a topic. Source: zdf

News from Berlin and Germany, Thursday 9th February 2023

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



Kottbusser Tor police station in to open on 15 February

The controversial new police station at Kottbusser Tor in Berlin-Kreuzberg is to open on 15 February. This was announced by Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) during a visit to the future station, found on the first floor of a high-rise building in the overpass over Adalbertstraße. Senator Spranger explained that at around 3.24 million euros, the costs for the conversion of the rooms there remained somewhat below the planned budget. Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) said that after years of discussion, the project has now been implemented in one of the most crime-ridden locations. She went on: “It needs a clear signal that the rule of law will not back down.” Source: tagesspiegel

Cement injection to save U2 at Alex

The excavation pit for the tower block the French investment firm Covivio is planning next to the Park Inn Hotel has damaged the tunnel of underground line 2. As things stand currently, the line will only shuttle between Klosterstraße and Senefelderplatz until August. However, official documents show the retaining walls, which are supposed to secure the excavation pit, could not withstand the pressure of the groundwater, and were pushed in by more than five centimetres. It has already led to water ingress in the tunnel. An elaborate procedure is being discussed to solve the issue, with steel anchors and an injection of a special emulsion to make the ground under the station harder. Source: rbb

Strike day in the public sector

Ver.di has called for a large-scale warning strike in the public sector in Berlin this Thursday. Among others, the city cleaning services and clinics are affected. The GEW already called teachers to strike on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ver.di and the civil servants’ association DBB demand for 10.5 per cent more income or at least 500 euros more for the approximately 2.5 million employees. According to the union the reason for the strike is the so far inconclusive round of collective bargaining for federal and local government employees. There will be no strike in the senate and district administrations, as their employees are paid according to a different collective agreement. Source: rbb


Germany should take in earthquake victims

After the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Baden-Württemberg’s state parliament president Muhterem Aras (Greens) has spoken out in favour of allowing people from the Turkish earthquake region to stay temporarily in Germany. “I suggest a three-month residence permit for those affected,” she said. “The prerequisite must be relatives living here make a declaration of commitment to pay for all costs incurred,” Aras added. On Monday, Aras wrote on Twitter that she herself had experienced an earthquake in Turkey as a child in 1971. “I remember exactly where I stood – rooted to the spot, in shock – until my aunt swept me away,” Aras said. Source: swr

Poor, poorer, old

Another (sad) record to get used to: in 2022, real terms wages in Germany fell by 4.1 per cent compared to 2021. This was reported by the Federal Statistical Office. It is also true that gross earnings rose by an average of 3.4 per cent during the same period. However, the inflation rate of 7.9 per cent has outstripped the nominal increase by some margin. This is the first time since 2008 that earnings have lost value, reported the Wiesbaden-based authority. Moreover, declining incomes today mean fewer resources in later retirement. Data from July 2021 shows that almost 18 percent of all pensioners in Germany find themselves below the poverty line (under 1,135 euros per month).Source: jungewelt

Höcke´s Party

An old email is catching up with Alice Weidel (AfD) for the second time. Sent in 2013, the email shows the current party leader speaking of Germany being ruled “by enemies of the constitution” who are “nothing more than puppets of the allied powers”. ZDF magazine “Frontal” recently confronted the AfD leader with this email, which was already discussed a few years ago. The AfD politician, on the other hand, refuses to comment. This and other examples actually show the politics of the party today, like the politics of the far-right Thüringens Landeschef Björn Höcke, were already recognisable in its founding year of 2013. Source: nd-aktuell

Can’t get no satisfaction, for good reason

For the more than 2.3 million young people without vocational qualifications, what the federal government is now planning must seem like sheer mockery. As early as February, the cabinet wants to pass a further education law that is also supposed to encourage the training market. But little more remains of the training guarantee announced in the coalition agreement than the word itself. A real training guarantee is only possible with a legal right to a place on a relevant course. Incentives for more training places in companies can only be found with a future fund into which all companies pay and from which new in-company training places are funded. Source: taz

Nice extra for existing rail customers

According to plans from the coalition government, from May onwards people will be able to use buses and regional trains all over Germany for 49 euros a month. This provides a good incentive for climate-friendly behaviour, but is it enough? The great thing about the 9-Euro-Ticket was that suddenly almost everyone could afford mobility and it was so much cheaper than driving (and thus good for the environment). Poor people will fall by the wayside, as well as the environment. For 49 euros, will people really switch from cars to packed buses? Source: taz

News from Berlin and Germany, Thursday 2nd February 2023

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



French citizens insulted and beaten in Gesundbrunnen

Several French citizens were attacked and beaten outside a bar in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen on Saturday night. The police reported that the eight French citizens living in Berlin were attacked because they were talking in their mother tongue. According to the statement, they were approached and insulted by a group of 10 to 15 people. During the ensuing scuffle, one of the perpetrators hit a 22-year-old man in the face. A man of the same age and a 35-year-old woman were also beaten. The attackers escaped unrecognised. Source: faz

Getting distant from the Greens and the Left

Berlin’s governing mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) is distancing herself from her left-wing and green coalition partners two weeks before Berlin’s repeat election. “There are very different views in this coalition at key points about what is the best way forward for this city,” she said in an interview with the Tagesspiegel. She claimed that the statement is completely non-judgemental. According to Giffey, the fundamental differences of opinion in the coalition are also the reason for the dissatisfaction of many Berliners with Red-Green-Red in the capital. According to polls, only 24 percent are satisfied with their work. Source: tagesspiegel

Election with reservations

The repeat elections for Berlin’s House of Representatives and district parliaments on 12 February can go ahead as planned. In its decision announced on Tuesday, the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) refused to issue an interim injunction against holding the elections. It will consider the constitutional challenge against the rerun at a later date. The repetition of the election had been decided among others due to the complaint of the satirical party Die PARTEI. “After the unambiguous ruling won by Die PARTEI before the state constitutional court, the BVerfG can hardly rule otherwise,” mentioned its MEP and direct candidate for the Berlin House of Representatives, Martin Sonneborn. Source: jW

Vonovia stops the building of 1,500 apartments in Berlin

The Vonovia housing group, the largest landlord in Europe, has announced it will not start any new construction projects this year. Plans in Berlin and Dresden are particularly affected. In the capital alone, this affects around 1,500 planned apartments. The reason for this is the increasingly difficult conditions, said the group’s press spokesman, Matthias Wulff. Among those conditions are inflation, interest rates, and construction costs. This applies to apartments planned for the Vonovia core brand and for the real estate companies Deutsche Wohnen and Buwog – in which Vonovia is the majority owner. Source: rbb24


First nationwide reporting centre on antifeminism

The Amadeu Antonio Foundation has set up a nationwide reporting centre on anti-feminism. This will be the first time a civil society organisation will collect and document incidents of sexist hostility and physical attacks, according to the Berlin-based Amadeu Antonio Foundation. Experiences with anti-feminist attacks and incidents can be reported immediately on the website These include sexist hostilities, physical attacks, and organised campaigns against equality and gender self-determination. The results of the documentation and evaluation will be anonymised and published in the future in the form of an annual report. Source: dw

Hans-Georg Maaßen: right-wing radical in the highest positions

Hans-Georg Maaßen is the former president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and a former CDU politician. However, members of the association “Werteunion” – which is not part of the CDU, but simply an association – elected Maaßen as chairman. So, in a way, a right-wing radical flip towards the CDU. From 2012 to 2018, when he was President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen passed on confidential information to the US National Security Agency (NSA), sued journalists, and met with AfD representatives, among other things. Source: nd

Refugees and Upahl

A small community in northern Germany, Upahl, is to get a container village for refugees. Opponents of the project say it is too much of a burden. They oppose a planned shelter for 400 refugees that is to be built in the community of 1,600 inhabitants. Some days ago, when the refugee area was discussed, about 700 people demonstrated in front of the town’s assembly hall. Among them, was a group with known right-wing extremists. In the end, 120 officers cordoned off the building. Nevertheless, it looks like Upahl will get the container village – despite all the protests. Source: dw

News from Berlin and Germany, Thursday 26th January 2023

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



To those who drink inside: Syndikat reopens

Two and a half years after its eviction, the Neukölln neighbourhood kneipe Syndikat is back. On Friday evening, the bar at Emser Straße 131 near the Neukölln S-Bahn station will welcome patrons again. The collective is taking over the former premises of the alternative culture pub Laika. Unlike the old pub in Weisestraße, there will be a large non-smoking room. Also, it will probably “no longer be completely noisy until 9 o’clock in the morning, but maybe only until 5 o’clock”. Central, however, is still the idea of being in close exchange with the neighbourhood, “and supporting each other.” Source: taz

16-year-old attacked during election campaign in Berlin

During the Berlin election campaign, a 16-year-old was attacked and confronted with Nazi slogans while distributing information material of die Linke Party in Rummelsburg. According to sources and witness statements, the youth had distributed flyers in the immediate vicinity of a die Linke election booth on Friday, a police spokesperson said on Saturday. He then stuck a leaflet on a residential building wall after which a 56-year-old man hit him on the hand. The 56-year-old man then joined a group of people who shouted national socialist slogans. A 50-year-old man also gave the Hitler salute to police officers who had been alerted. Source: bz

Strike on Wednesday paralyses all areas of BER Airport

The trade union ver.di called on all employees to stop work this Wednesday. Around 35000 passengers were effected with every flight cancelled. The employees of the ground handling services, the airport company FBB as well as aviation security were called to an all-day work stoppage, the responsible ver.di secretary Enrico Rümker announced. The strike is prompted by parallel collective bargaining rounds for which no solution has yet emerged in any of the three sectors. The ver.di demands wage increase of 500 euros more per month, considering the area of ground services and the airport company FBB. Source: tagesschau


Germany to send tanks to Ukraine

Germany announced yesterday that it will send its Leopard-2A6 tanks to the Ukrainian army. While Germany will send 14 and in total 90 of the German-made tanks will be sent from other EU countries, something which was impossible without the permission of the German government. Many questions still remain, such as other possible military support for the country engaged in a brutal war with Russia. Along with the Leopard tanks from Germany, the US announced also on Wednesday a commitment to send air defence systems as well as tanks. This points towards a change in strategy for the allies of Ukraine. Source: taz

Neo-Nazis initiate protests against local refugee shelters

It is not only in Saxony that extreme right-wingers are returning to the issue of refugees and their accommodation now that the Corona restrictions have expired. In Franconia (Franken) there have been rallies held in Scheßlitz and Breitengüßbach against refugees, organised by the neo-Nazi III.WEG. This thematic change from Corona to refugees is to seen by many extreme right-wing movements. Yesterday in Scheßlitz, protesters marched along the main street for the second time this year. The gathering was led by Roger Kuchenreuther, a long-time activist of the neo-Nazi III.WEG. The organisers did not hide their political background. Party flags and typical signs stating “against asylum flood” were carried. Source: endstation-rechts-bayern

Democratic demonstration and a broken nose

In Lützerath, alongside a defeat in the fight against climate change, many have left with physical injuries. As A.´s family (his family does not want to be named) travelled by car to the demonstration in Lützerath on the morning of January 14, the mood was good. In the aftermath of the protests, the initiative “Lützerath lebt” reported 145 injured demonstrators. A. is one of those 145; a six-second video on Twitter displays a policeman beating his face. He came away with a broken nose, for taking part in a democratic demonstration. All this to protect a private property of RWE. Source: taz

No return from Afghanistan

Somewhere in Afghanistan, 29-year-old Qais R. is hiding from the Taliban. 5000 kilometers away, in the security of the Frankfurt district of Bockenheim, R.’s fate is being decided. In 2021, R. was deported to Afghanistan on the second to last plane forcibly removing people from Germany to Afghanistan. Today, no one is forcibly deported to Afghanistan, the situation there is far too dangerous. But what about the people who, like Qais R., had the misfortune to be brought back shortly before the change of power? Isn’t the situation just as dangerous for them? Lawyers have brought a case to the court and a judge will announce their decision next Tuesday. Source: fr

No Wagenknecht Party

The MP Sahra Wagenknecht (die Linke) met in Berlin with influential supporters in mid-January to agree on the timetable for founding a new. The outcome was inconclusive as they do not want a split in the Left. However, it is also true that the Karl-Liebknecht-Kreis Brandenburg (KLK) was founded three and a half months ago, and already formed its own marching block at the Liebknecht-Luxemburg demonstration in Berlin, some days ago. Fellow die Linke MP Niels-Olaf Lüders says that he, at any rate, is not working towards a split. On the contrary, he co-founded the KLK to counter dissolution and to persuade disappointed members from leaving the party. Source: nd-aktuell

News from Berlin and Germany, 19th January 2023

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany



Berlin Greens want to invest in “heat transition”

Berlin’s Green Party wants to invest two billion euros in modernizing and expanding the heat supply for the city. The aim is to use the money to promote climate-neutral heat supply by the end of this legislative period (2026). For instance, the party plans on setting up a bonus program for the installation of heat pumps. They also plan to renovate buildings, making the state-owned housing associations accountable for their cost efficiency. However, such plans are waiting for the results of the February election. Source: rbb24


Pistorius “wants to make the Bundeswehr strong”

The future Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (SPD), to be appointed on Thursday, wants to involve the members of the Bundeswehr “very closely” in the modernization of the troops. On Tuesday in Hanover, the politician assured the public he would stand up for the soldiers. He said he was very happy to take on the office and was aware of its importance in difficult times. The tasks for the troops are enormous. He acknowledged that the resigning minister, Christine Lambrecht (SPD), had made a start on the reorganization of the Bundeswehr. Source: taz

Raid on journalists

Police in Freiburg searched “Radio Dreyeckland” (RDL) on Tuesday morning. According to a press release, several search warrants issued by the public prosecutor’s office in Karlsruhe were executed. The background is a preliminary investigation on “suspicion of a violation of a ban on association.” The reason for the search was an article written under the abbreviation “FK” from August 2022 which linked to the “criminal organization” Linkunten Indymedia. After Fabian Kienert, RDL´s editor, outed himself as the author of the article and handed over the laptop used for it, the officers left. Kienert sees this as blackmail and an “unprecedented intrusion into editorial secrecy.” Source: nd

Lindner writes off East

On Tuesday, the Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH) heard the case of a married couple from Bavaria who consider the so-called solidarity surcharge unconstitutional and want to see it abolished. Originally, the federal government wanted to send a delegation to the appeal proceedings in Munich to defend the “Soli.” However, nothing came of it: the previous week, Lindner decided to keep his department out of the dispute – to the annoyance of the SPD and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, who want to stick to the levy. The outcome of the case is considered open. Source: jW

Minimum wage shows its effectiveness

Raising the statutory minimum wage to twelve euros was a key promise of the SPD in the last federal election. “People who work all day must be able to live from their work without additional support.” Previously, the trade unions and the Left Party fought for a significant increase in the statutory minimum wage. Before the rise, many warned that employers would reduce workers’ working hours because of it, which is why they would not necessarily earn more money in the end. According to a study from the Hans Böckler Foundation, employers did not react in this way for the most part. Source: nd

Greta Thunberg in Lützerath

Police briefly took Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg into custody during new protests near the evacuated West German village of Lützerath. Journalists watched as three police officers carried the 20-year-old away and set her down after a good 50 metres to conduct an identification check. The police confirmed Thunberg was part of a group that had moved towards the edge of the Garzweiler II open-cast lignite mine. After the operation, Thunberg and other activists were released. Coal-fired power plants played a major role in Germany’s failure to meet its own climate targets last year. Source: dw

Scholz: the future belongs to renewable energies alone

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) affirmed the compatibility of the green transformation with Germany’s preservation as a major industrial nation. “Whether you are a business leader or a climate activist, a security policy specialist or an investor – it is now crystal clear to all of us that the future belongs to renewable energies alone,” he said. By 2030, around 400 billion euros would be invested in renewables in Germany alone. The Chancellor also contradicted the impression the success of German industry in the past had largely depended on the purchase of cheap gas from Russia. Source: faz