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News from Berlin and Germany, 10th December 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany



Remembering Amadeu Antonio – murdered by skinheads

Amadeu Antonio was 27 years old when he arrived in Eberswalde in 1987 together with 100 contract workers from Angola. On 25 November 1990, on his way home, he was surrounded by skinheads and kicked into a coma. The 6th of December marks the 31st anniversary of his death. In an interview with Augusto Jone Munjunga, who came to the GDR as a contract worker and currently runs the Palanca cultural association, talks about how stressful the situation then was, considering racism. He also talks about walking alone in Berlin, or how much Eberswalde has changed. Source: taz

Residents of H48 fight to save their homes

H48, a complex of three buildings at Hermannstraße 48 (Neukölln), stands in front of a grandiose old factory building. Today 140 people live and work there. A community has grown there together – so much that they decided to buy the property and run it collectively. One person disagreed – and this was the landlord. At the beginning of this year, residents received a letter saying that the building was being sold to a Hermannshof 48 Grundbesitzgesellschaft mbH. Speculators are not interested in renting, but it could be worth a fortune as luxury lofts or office space – such as with Yorck59, 15 years ago. Source: exBerliner



AfD win chair of the Interior Committee

The traffic light coallition could have prevented the AfD from chairing the Interior Committee. The committee chairs are distributed in several rounds according to faction strength. However, because the Greens promised Anton Hofreiter a committee chairmanship as a substitute for the denied post of Minister of Agriculture, they surprisingly chose the less radiant Europe Committee instead of Home Affairs. Hofreiter is to chair this committee in future. The AfD laughed up their sleeves and then gladly took the interior committee. In later allocation rounds, the AfD still secured the chair for health and development cooperation. Source: taz

Nuclear phase-out is still not guaranteed

In an interview with Matthias Eickhoff, political scientist, and activist against atomic power, he affirms basically the nuclear phase-out is not yet secured, and uranium enrichment in Germany should be terminated. He points out there are many issues are still open. Among them, “(…) huge gaps in the nuclear phase-out law, which was passed after the reactor catastrophe in Fukushima.” Regarding the “traffic light coalition”, he remembers the crucial ministries will be run by the Greens. “As environment minister, Steffi Lemke must quickly draw up a decommissioning roadmap. And Robert Habeck, as the responsible Minister of Economics, must enforce an export ban on enriched uranium, fuel elements and uranium waste.” Source: taz

Apparent assassination plans against Saxon Prime Minister

After threats against Saxony’s head of government Michael Kretschmer in a Telegram chat group, the police and public prosecutor’s office in Dresden are investigating the case. According to the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) of Saxony, the group “Dresden Offlinevernetzung” and its members are suspected of a criminal offence. The Central Office for Extremism in Saxony of the General Public Prosecutor’s Office in Dresden is currently investigating which criminal charges come into question. The 103 members of the group were united by their opposition to vaccinations, the state, and the current Corona policy. Source: dw

News from Berlin and Germany, 3rd December 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany



Muslims and migrants most discriminated against

Nearly half of Berliners experience discrimination, especially in the workplace. Muslims, people with migration experience, and those on low incomes are by far the most affected. This is the result of the Berlin Monitor 2021, presented by the University of Leipzig and the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. The survey reveals also that only six per cent of those affected seek advice from a representative. In contrast, every third person does nothing after being discriminated against. One in five avoids “such situations” and another five per cent change their place of residence or their way of life. Source: migazin

New protests from the Left against possible Senate participation

Internal resistance is forming in Berlin’s Left Party (“die LINKE”) against a possible participation in a Red-Green-Red coalition. For this, the platform “For a left opposition in Berlin” should go online using the Hashtag: “#NeinzumKoalitionsvertrag“. The call was initiated by parts of the Neukölln left. The background to the criticism is the announcement of the negotiated coalition agreement between the SPD, the Greens and the Left Party. Although there were also votes in 2016 rejecting participation in a government, this time the frustration and anger about the results of the negotiations seem to be somewhat greater. Source: nd



COVID and the German Constitutional ’emergency brake’ measures

The “emergency brake” measures from the German government were deemed constitutional by a top court. The restrictions were imposed automatically if infection rates passed certain levels. The court handed down two rulings, one regarding curfews and contact restrictions, the other regarding school closures. Both rulings dismissed complaints against the measures that had been lodged with the court. Many of the complaints were made by parliamentarians from the business-friendly Free Democrats (FDP), one of the three parties in the incoming coalition government. Its leader Christian Lindner was among the complainants. The “emergency brake” was put in place as the country fought its third wave of the pandemic. Source: dw

Millions for railways flowed into trunk roads and airlines

The outgoing government set itself great goals in transport policy. The railways were to enter a completely new era: more passengers, more punctuality, more efficient trains. This is what the Federal Minister of Transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU), signalled at the time. But the reality is different. In an audit report, the Federal Court of Auditors now makes it clear that the inspectors view the situation extremely critically. A state like Germany can no longer afford the current conditions at its own railway company, says Court of Auditors President Kay Scheller. The report also reveals compliance problems in the supervisory board of Deutsche Bahn. Source: Süddeutsche

Climate movement expected to radicalize

As the climate crisis progresses and there is a lack of political reaction, it is to be expected a small number of disappointed climate activists might go underground. Before that, however, the climate movement will become broadly radicalised, not only demonstrating and blocking, but also destroying whatever comes. Political scientist Frauke Höntzsch from the University of Augsburg also considers the radicalisation of the climate protest movements in general to be “a realistic scenario”. There are for instance local groups of Fridays for Future, which are increasingly pushing the movement to focus on civil disobedience beyond the school strike. Source: taz


News from Berlin and Germany, 26th November 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany



Homeless people set on fire in Kreuzberg.

A man who allegedly tried to set homeless people on fire has been kept in custody. He is suspected of having committed the crime on 26 September on Skalitzer Straße. There, a Molotov cocktail was hurled at a tent. At first, nothing was known about his motive. Two people were sleeping in the tent at the time – a 47-year-old man and a 27-year-old woman. The man woke up due to the impact, so both came out unharmed. According to figures from the Berlin police, homeless people in the capital are increasingly becoming victims of crime. Source: morgenpost

Works council election at delivery service Gorillas can go ahead

The works council election at the delivery service Gorillas, which has already begun, can continue. The LAG Berlin-Brandenburg ruled the preconditions for a judicial termination of the election were not met. The firm has already tried to stop the works council election at the labour court last week, citing formal deficiencies in the preparation. For example, the election committee had not been properly constituted. However, the labour court rejected the application. Workers at the delivery service can still vote on the committee until Saturday. The workers criticise, among other things, fixed-term contracts, low pay and inadequate equipment. Source: lto

Housing initiatives want the coalition to listen to them

Time is running out for the red-green-red coalition. On the agenda there are topics of urban development, education, finance, among others. The remaining disagreements must be settled in a final round of talks. The agreement must be in place by Friday evening so that the Left Party can start its membership poll and Franziska Giffey can be elected as Governing Mayor in December. Social housing must also be reorganised, Martin Parlow (AK Wohnungsnot) said. The initiative demands that an already drafted socialisation law should be brought to the House of Representatives. Other initiatives such as “bbk” identifies “important cross-sectoral needs.” Source: taz



Case against paramedic dropped after attack on refugee

The scene caused nationwide outrage: a video from a refugee accommodation in Kassel indicates a paramedic hitting a man fixed on a stretcher on the face with his fist. The victim, a 33-year-old refugee, is said to have suffered a fractured cheekbone. The paramedic was dismissed without notice. The opposition demanded a complete investigation, and the Hessian Refugee Council criticised the police’s actions: two police officers stood by and did not intervene. Investigations now show a different picture. The public prosecutor’s office in Kassel has closed the case against the paramedic. The suspicion that the accused deliberately hit the alleged victim was not substantiated. Source: hessenschau

Merkel consults with coalition on Corona crisis

Because of the rapidly rising corona numbers, there is a crisis meeting in the Chancellor’s Office: Angela Merkel and the leaders of the traffic light parties are discussing further measures in the fight against the pandemic. The background to the meeting is that the debate on universal compulsory vaccination is gaining momentum. Merkel and numerous other top politicians have ruled it out in the past. Some, such as Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) or Baden-Württemberg’s head of government Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), have since changed their minds. Hesse’s Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) also spoke out in favour. Source: spiegel

News from Berlin and Germany, 19th November 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany



2G in Berlin: the new rules

Berlin has expanded its 2G regulations from last Monday on. Basically, it is mandatory at restaurants, theatres, and museums. It is also obligatory at hairdressers, gyms, establishments offering sexual services, and outdoor events with more than 2,000 attendees, among others. Exemptions are for instance hotels, hostels and church services. On public transport, this rule does not apply, either, although passengers must continue to wear a mask. There is no mandatory requirement for home office yet, but further restrictions are likely to happen soon. And Berliners are again entitled to at least one free Covid-19 rapid test per week. Source: ExBerliner

Taxi driver beaten up with baton – neo-Nazi Tilo P. in custody

Because he allegedly seriously injured a taxi driver with a migration background, neo-Nazi and ex-AfD politician Tilo P. (38) is once again in custody. The incident happened on 3 November at around 7.30 pm on Göttingerstr. Apparently, it was initially triggered by a traffic offence. The taxi driver then tried to file a complaint at police station 42, but to no avail. It is not yet clear why this failed. The victim was hit on the head with a baton. The attacker fled, but the injured man was able to remember the registration number and the police identified Tilo P. as the vehicle´s owner. Source: bz

Gorillas loses court case against works council

Kağan Sümer, the founder of the delivery service Gorillas, went to the Berlin labour court to prevent the establishment of a works council in his shop. But the judges did not rule in his favour: the champagne corks can now be popping for his employees who have been fighting for a long time against the fact that start-ups like Gorillas are union- and co-determination-free zones of intensified exploitation. The judgement of the Berlin Labour Court proves one can also count on having the law on his side. Often enough it is not the employees who break the rules, but capital. Source: nd

Special Left Party conference to discuss leaving Coalition

The Berlin Left Party´s participation in the government is being discussed. “The exploratory paper between SPD, Greens and Die Linke has caused resentment among many members. Especially about urban development, there is a threat of a roll-back,” said Moritz Wittler, a Neukölln member. Wittler and other comrades-in-arms are calling for the “immediate” convening of an extraordinary state party conference to assess the results of the coalition negotiations, before the membership referendum. The quorum of 25 per cent of delegates required by the statutes to call such an extraordinary meeting has been exceeded, with at least 47 delegates signing the petition. 44 supporters would have been necessary. Source: nd



CDU candidate suspected of terrorism

A CDU local election candidate is alleged to have planned a right-wing extremist attack. Marvin E., from Spangenberg and former local election candidate of the CDU, who is now being accused of right-wing terrorism, was arrested. According to the public prosecutor’s offices in Kassel and Frankfurt am Main, the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution became aware of chats at the end of August, in which E. inquired about weapons and the production of the same by means of 3D printing. Right-wing extremist phrases are also said to have been used. The opposition in the state parliament sees an urgent need for clarification of such situation. Source: taz

Spahn pleads for rapid booster vaccination

All people over the age of 18 should be given a booster vaccination against the coronavirus. This also applies if the last vaccination was not yet six months ago, said the Federal Health Minister. In view of the sharply rising infection figures, calls for faster booster vaccinations have been heard in recent days. So far, about four million people have received such a vaccination, according to the latest figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Regarding to the debate on booster vaccinations, the Association of Towns and Municipalities stressed that a short-term reactivation of the Corona vaccination centres is unrealistic at the moment. Source: dw

News from Berlin and Germany, 12th November 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany



Judges pulverise pre-emption right

The right of first refusal in milieu protection areas “may not be exercised by the municipality on the basis of the assumption that the buyer will in future pursue intentions of use contrary to conservation”. This is from the press release sent out by the Leipzig Federal Administrative Court late Tuesday. It is a final nail in the coffin for Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg’s attempt to protect the tenants of the 20 flats Heimstraße 17 near Bergmannstraße. It also could lead to the end of pre-emptive being exercised rights in milieu protection areas. The impact will be national, not only in Berlin. Source: nd

Climate activists visit “Rot-rot-grün”

Activists from the “Berlin Energy Table” and the “Nature friends Berlin” visited the regional offices of the SPD, the Greens and the Left Party on Wednesday under the motto “Make energy transition instead of administering it”. Judith Dellheim from the Berlin Energy Table said that news about the coalition talks of the three parties so far did not show “that the necessary speed is being taken up with regard to a solidarity-based solar energy transition”. To ensure that the demands will not be forgotten, the activists gave the parties the signs with the messages as a farewell gift – or put them in the SPD’s letterbox. Source: nd

Extensive 2G rule in Berlin from Monday

The Berlin Senate has decided on further restrictions for people without corona vaccination protection. The so-called “2G-rule” is to be significantly extended. In view of the increased number of cases, only vaccinated and recovered people (2G) are to have access to restaurants, cinemas, theatres, museums or galleries, for example, from Monday onwards. This also affects recreational facilities such as saunas and thermal baths as well as places of amusement such as amusement arcades, closed rooms in amusement parks and the Berliner Zoo and Tierpark. Those younger than 18 are exempt from the new regulation. In such case, a proven negative coronary test is still sufficient. Source: jW



Expert: Oury Jalloh probably doused with petrol and set on fire

Almost 17 years after the death of asylum seeker Oury Jalloh in a police cell in Dessau, an initiative wants to prove Jalloh was set on fire and murdered. For this purpose, the situation in the police cell on 7 January 2005 was re-enacted. Fire safety expert Iain Peck said that in his opinion the results showed that it was most likely that Jalloh had been doused with a liquid such as petrol and set on fire. The fire expert said that the artificial body was in a very similar condition to the body of Jalloh and the mattress in the original cell. Source: Berliner Zeitung

Railway break-up “red line” for rail union

In the renewed debate about a restructuring of Deutsche Bahn, the Railway and Transport Union (EVG) has again spoken out against a break-up of the company. Such a step “would mean a standstill in the transport turnaround”, said deputy union leader Martin Burkert. In the extreme variant, the infrastructure division would be spun off into a public company oriented towards the common good. This would leave the three transport divisions of regional, long-distance and freight transport at the corporate headquarters. The union fears anyway a “standstill in the transport turnaround”. An independent advisory body, on the other hand, sees advantages in restructuring. Source: tagesspiegel

Corona incidence skyrockets

In Germany, the seven-day incidence has climbed above the 200 mark – to 201.1, as announced on Monday morning. Seven days before, the figure was 154.8, and a month ago it was 63.8. The government plans a daily test obligation for employees and visitors of nursing homes – even if they are vaccinated or have recovered. Representatives of the FDP and the Greens (die Grünen) also pleaded for so-called citizen tests to be offered again free of charge in the winter half-year. In Saxony, the federal state with the highest incidence at present (491.3), “2G” rules already apply since last Monday. Source: dw