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News from Berlin and Germany: 26 February 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany


Compiled by Tom Wills



Launch of official petition to expropriate big landlords

The race to collect 174,000 signatures and trigger a referendum on the expropriation of Berlin’s biggest landlords has begun. The DW Enteignen campaign is seeking to use Berlin’s ‘Volksbegehren’ direct democracy process to force the city government to take all the housing owned by the biggest landlords (those with over 3,000 properties each) into public ownership. In the latest phase, there is now a four-month window in which to gather support from at least 7% of eligible voters. If that threshold is reached, the question of whether to expropriate the landlords will appear on ballot papers with the elections this autumn. Meanwhile, one year since the introduction of the Mietendeckel rent cap in Berlin, tenants’ representatives have welcomed the news that new apartment prices have stopped climbing, although warn that action must be taken to close loopholes in the law. Source: nd, Junge Welt

Call to ensure right to education for ‘illegalised’ migrant children

The campaign Legalisierung Jetzt (‘legalisation now’) has called for action to make sure children living without papers are no longer shut out of the school system. The group estimates that up to 100,000 people in Berlin do not have official documents, including many children. By law, schools are supposed to accept them and there is an exemption from the usual requirement for public bodies to report on people without papers to the immigration authorities. But schools and district authorities are apparently often unaware of the rules, meaning ‘illegalised’ children are deprived of their education. Source: nd

Suspect of attack on leftist is free to hand out Nazi flyers

A main suspect in the arson attack on Die Linke’s Ferat Kocak has been seen openly distributing neonazi propaganda in Neukölln. Sebastian T was among a group of around 6 people witnessed posting flyers for the party “Der III. Weg” through letterboxes. The man is one of the main suspects for a series of attacks on antifascists and others in Neukölln. He was arrested shortly before Christmas after a long investigation, but soon released. Source:


Berlin launches inquiry into Islamophobia

Berlin has become the first of Germany’s federal states to launch an inquiry into anti-Muslim racism. Dirk Behrendt (Green Party), the city’s senator for justice and antidiscrimination, told the Tagesspiegel newspaper: “It is unacceptable when in Berlin women’s headscarves are ripped off or even small children are attacked.” The inquiry will be carried out by a panel of experts over the course of a year and make “concrete recommendations” for actions to be taken by the city to tackle the issue. Around half of Germans see Islam as a threat, according to a representative survey by the Bertelsmann foundation. Source: Tagesspiegel


CSU politician resigns over facemask bribery claims

The deputy head of Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU party grouping in parliament has left his post amid allegations of bribery. Georg Nüßlein’s immunity as a lawmaker was lifted on Thursday morning and his offices searched for evidence. The tabloid newspaper Bild reported that the CSU politician had arranged a deal with a Coronavirus mask manufacturer – including government orders – in return for a commission of more than €650,000 paid to his consultancy firm. Source: nd

Party divided on key issues as Die Linke conference gets underway

At its national conference this weekend, Die Linke is expected to become the first German party to be led by two women. Janine Wissler und Susanne Hennig-Wellsow are the only two well-known candidates in the leadership election. Wissler hails from the left and has built her profile through close contact with extra-parliamentary movements. On one of the key questions dividing the party, she believes joining a coalition government would offer little hope of effecting a politics of disarmament and social-ecological renewal. Hennig-Wellslow, on the other hand, represents the more conservative “realo” wing that advocates working within the system. The conference will also debate policy, including a proposal from the leadership that calls for an end to all overseas operations by the German armed forces.

Source: nd 1 2

Doctor takes fight for abortion rights to highest court

Kristina Hänel, the doctor who was prosecuted for providing information about abortions on her website, is taking her legal fight to the highest court in Germany. Although abortion is allowed under certain circumstances, a law known as “Paragraph 219a” banned doctors from advertising publicly that they carry out the procedure. After Hänel was convicted in 2017 for defying the ban, she appealed and as a result the law was changed so that doctors may now state that they offer abortions – but not give information about methods. Hänel will now argue that the restrictions are unconstitutional and should be lifted entirely. Source: nd

Catholics rush to leave after Cologne archbishop withholds abuse dossier

Leaving the Catholic church in Germany is a legal matter, and in Corona times that means logging on to a government website to book an appointment in court. In a sign of the unprecedented crisis in the church in Cologne, the server crashed last weekend under the weight of demand. Discontent reached boiling point after archbishop Rainer Maria Woelki decided to withhold the results of an independent inquiry he ordered into the church’s handling of abuse. Source: Junge Welt

News from Berlin and Germany: 20 February, 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany


Compiled by Ana Ferreira



Fourth corpse found in Landwehr canal since 2015. Are these racist murders?

On 20 December 2020, the lifeless body of Pape Gorgui Samba Diop was discovered. He was floating in the water near the Schlesische Brücke. For the investigating authorities, a suicide. However, an initiative has now launched an appeal for witnesses in the hope of finding out more about the circumstances of Pope’s death once this is not the first corpse found on the Landwehr Canal. He is actually now the fourth person of colour to be found here since 2015, all of whom died in unexplained circumstances, without a fuss. There is a growing sense of unease and fear in the community. Source: tip

Suspected torturer living in Berlin

An official of the Argentine military junta lives unmolested in Berlin. Activists are now protesting in his neighbourhood. The German-Argentinean Luis Esteban Kyburg has lived here for seven years. The ex-military man is considered an urgent suspect for the torture and murder of opposition members during the dictatorship. He is wanted on an international arrest warrant. The Berlin public prosecutor’s office has been investigating the case since 2015. This is also important to mention, as Kyburg is not an isolated case: the German-Chilean ex-officer Walther Klug Rivera, who was legally convicted of multiple murders in Chile, lived unmolested in the Rhineland for four years. Source: taz

Extra buses and trams commissioned to fight Covid

To ensure more distance between passengers on heavily used lines, up to 100 additional buses have been running on Berlin’s roads since Monday, most of them articulated buses. These will be deployed on about 50 particularly heavily used lines. In addition, eight tram trains will be added to provide extra capacity on the busy M5 and M8/18 lines. The updated timetables are available in the VBB-Fahrinfo, where they are marked as additional journeys. However, because almost all pupils are still studying at home, the planned deployment of security guards will be postponed, according to the Berlin Transport Authority (BVG). Source: rbb

“Rigaer 94” suspicious of inspection

The Berlin police must grant protection to an expert fire protection test engineer during his inspection of the house project “Rigaer 94”. This was decided by the Berlin Administrative Court in summary proceedings on Thursday. In January, Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD), in his function as district supervisor, forced Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg to enforce fire protection. The “farce of fire protection” serves “our opponents only as another attempt to attack our house”, says a statement by supporters of “Rigaer 94” published on the internet. They state two fire inspections without police escort “ironically found deficiencies caused by the cops themselves”. Source: nd


Majority is not working at home

“Home office” is the magic word of the workplace pandemic. But still most people do not work from home. According to a survey from Hans Böckler Foundation, only 24% of employees currently work mainly or exclusively in a home office. This is about 3% less than during the first lockdown just under a year ago. Still, it is slightly more than in November, when only 14% of employees worked from home. This also emerges from estimates by other research institutes such as the German Institute for Economic Research, which already came to the conclusion five years ago that home-based work would theoretically be possible in 40% of jobs. Source: nd

Astra-Zeneca’s vaccine faces criticism, WHO defends it

Side effects of the Corona vaccination of the pharmaceutical company Astra-Zeneca occur in isolated cases more frequently than previously stated by the manufacturer. According to various media reports, there were sickness-related absences after vaccination among at least 21 emergency service workers in the district of Minden-Lübbecke in North Rhine-Westphalia. As a result of such reports, vaccination beneficiaries in the state had already cancelled their immunisation appointments. Meanwhile, Berlin’s health senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) clarified that there is no freedom of choice in vaccines for under-80s in the capital after all. In Berlin, only people over 80 could choose a vaccination centre. Source: nd

Students face Islamophobia after meeting CDU deputy

Muslim students, beneficiaries of the Avicenna Studienwerk, say they became the targets of a vicious online campaign after a digital meeting with the high-ranking Christian Democrat Norbert Röttgen, who posted a picture showing 25 young people, some wearing headscarves. Some of the fellow students asked Röttgen to obscure the names of the participants. He then deleted any posts that allowed the students to be identified. A new law on hate speech is planned and the German government took the issue to the highest political level with its Cabinet committee on right-wing extremism and racism. Source: dw

Kunduz bombing night: limits of EU justice

Lawyers and opposition representatives have criticised the ruling from last Tuesday of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on the German investigation after a deadly air raid in Kunduz, Afghanistan, eleven years ago. The bombing was ordered by a Bundeswehr colonel, although civilian casualties were likely. After the ruling, representatives of the victims of the bombing also pointed out the legal consequences of the judge’s decision: German courts would henceforth be obliged to investigate alleged war crimes committed by Bundeswehr soldiers abroad. The applicants are still hoping for an apology from Germany. Source: heise

News from Berlin and Germany: 13 February, 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany


Compiled by Ana Ferreira



Political fight over headscarf ban

The discussion about the Neutrality Act, which bans the wearing of religious symbols in public schools, the police and the judiciary, is back. In the summer of last year, the Federal Labour Court finally upheld the complaint of a Muslim woman who felt discriminated against because she has not been taken on in the school service because of her headscarf. The Greens and the Left called for an amendment or abolition of the neutrality law and Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) declared she would consider going to Karlsruhe. Now, almost half a year later, the time has come. Source: nd

IG Metall-Berlin rejects breaking up of the S-Bahn

Until 15 February 2021, private and public providers can bid for the Berlin S-Bahn tender. IG Metall Berlin rejects privatisation and dismantling the S-Bahn, and demands a halt to the tendering process. According to its own figures, the S-Bahn Berlin transported 485 million passengers on its 16 lines in 2020, around 1.5 million per day. There has been resistance to these plans since they were announced. Like the water supply, local public transport is a service of general interest. Affordable and well-functioning local transport is considered essential for the many companies and employees in the city. Source: IG Metall


More than 900 attacks on Muslims and mosques in 2020

At least 901 Islamophobic and anti-Muslim crimes were registered by the authorities nationwide in 2020. That was an increase of under two per cent compared to 2019. In most cases, the perpetrators were right-wing extremists. The final figures for 2020 are likely to be even higher, according to the Left Party parliamentary group in the Bundestag. There was already an increase in registered attacks against Muslims and Muslim institutions in 2019. A large part of the assaults are not even reported by the victims because they are ashamed or afraid of the authorities. Source: spiegel

Gay men not allowed to donate blood

Male homosexuals are not allowed to donate blood in Germany, unless they have not had sex with another man for more than a year. This is a rule from the 1980s which discriminates. And, it seems that it will probably remain for the foreseeable future. Permission to donate blood is regulated in the Haemotherapy Guideline, for which the German Medical Association (BÄK) is responsible. According to blood donation services and the BÄK, every blood donation is examined again before it is administered to a patient. Source: taz

Deportations raisethe risk of a global pandemic

A deportation flight from Germany landed in Kabul on Wednesday, and it is a scandal within a scandal. Nearly 9,000 additional new infections were recorded by Johns Hopkins University on Tuesday for Germany, and 43 for Afghanistan on the same day. By deporting people, Germany is driving up the infection rate in a global pandemic. It may seem cynical to cite Corona as a reason for stopping deportations. Little is known about last Wednesday’s collective deportation. Early in the morning, 26 men were picked up. No one protested. Source: taz

AfD brakes for the rich

An exemplary event took place on Thursday in the Bundestag: the AfD, which mainly appears as the avenger of the widows and orphans of the German middle class, praised the Schuldenbremse, the so-called debt brake, which is a money pump anchored in the Basic Law for the enrichment of the richest. The AfD requested that the Federal Constitutional Court review the 2021 federal budget. Most of the parliamentary groups were in favour of the motion, with only the Left Party expressing fundamental opposition. The debt brake only allows a minimum federal debt of up to 0.35 per cent of the gross domestic product. The Bundestag can only decide on an exception in emergencies. Source: jW

News from Berlin and Germany: 6 February, 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany


Compiled by Ana Ferreira



The state remains white

For the time being, Berlin will probably not have a migrant quota for the civil service and state-owned companies. The amendment to the Participation and Integration Act drafted by Integration Senator Elke Breitenbach (die LINKE) originally envisaged a quota of 35 per cent for people with a migration background. Christine Lang (Max Planck Institute) considers a quota to be a “delicate matter” and a last resort, but she believes it is a suitable means of exerting pressure on the administration. “Any kind of diversity is good for the administration because it is very white,” Lang told “nd”. Source: nd

Protestant foundation sells real estate in Neukölln

Shortly before Christmas, a building at Anzengruberstraße 24 was sold by the Evangelisches Johannesstift Foundation to an as yet unknown new owner. The social charter agreed with the buyer “aims to protect the existing tenants for many years (…).” According to the tenants, the average rent is five euros per square metre. About half of the residents are pensioners, any many live on basic benefits. They criticise the agreement for only protecting existing tenants, “New neighbours would be second-class tenants.” “The charter only offers de facto legal protection against rent increases and modernisation – it is completely worthless here,” the tenants say. Source: nd


Die LINKE in Saxony-Anhalt selects its candidates for the local elections

When Eva von Angern received the good news, she rose briefly from her seat. At the representatives’ meeting of the Left (die LINKE) in Saxony-Anhalt, it was noticeable the personnel did not change too much compared to the last election – despite the new top candidate. Meanwhile, there was frustration among the Left Youth. Although its candidates could still directly enter the state parliament, this is likely to be difficult. Source: nd

Labour market in shutdown

The head of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), Detlef Scheele (SPD), said thet the labour market is “still in robust shape. But the measures taken to contain the corona pandemic are leaving their mark.” There has been a significant increase in unemployment and so-called underemployment, a high number of short-time workers, and fewer vacancies and training places. According to the BA, there were 2.9 million unemployed in January, almost 200,000 more than a month earlier. The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) forecast a three per cent drop in gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2021. Source: jW

More armed right-wing extremists

The number of right-wing extremists with gun permits known to the authorities has risen significantly in 2020. According to a response by the federal government, security authorities counted around 1,200 actual or suspected right-wing extremists legally in possession of weapons at the end of last year. There are two types of weapons permits: for hunters and sports shooters. The new weapons law has been in force for about a year – now, a check is made on people applying for a permit and every three years thereafter, to see that they have the necessary “reliability and personal suitability”. Source: taz

Lübcke case´s appeals

The right-wing extremist Stephan E. from Kassel was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Walter Lübcke. The co-defendant Markus H., however, was acquitted. Lübcke’s family declared that the acquittal was “incomprehensible and difficult to cope with”. Now the relatives are appealing against the verdict. They are not alone. All other parties to the trial are also contesting the sentences: the federal prosecution; Markus H.; the main defendant, Stephan E.; and Ahmed I., who was stabbed with a knife in front of his asylum accommodation in Kassel on 6 January 2016. Stephan E. was also charged with this crime. Source: taz

German TV show and Racism

German TV personalities apologised for taking part in a controversial show, which discussed racism. All of the participants were white. The discussion on WDR’s “The Last Resort” featured guests dismissing calls to rename “Zigeunersoße,” or “gypsy sauce.” Germany’s Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency condemned the “unspeakable statements,” while Saskia Esken (SPD) tweeted that she was “lost for words.” In response to the controversy, German broadcaster WDR issued a statement saying the criticism was warranted, and that the panel should have included people who were directly affected by racism. Source: vice

Too black and too gay

In November 2020, a 51-year-old doctor started a petition on the anti-discrimination platform “allout” because his application to succeed the retired senior medical officer Andreas von Welczeck has been repeatedly rejected. He accuses the responsible city health councillor Bernd Geschanowski (AfD) of having prevented his appointment because he was “too gay” and “too black.”. “You don’t fit here,” Geschanowski is said to have said to him. “While saying this, Mr Geschanowski pointed to his skin. The Cuban-born doctor mentions his experience and qualification. In his petition, he writes he worked many years at the Bremen Health Department, as well with the organization „Doctors Without Borders.“ Source: nd

News from Berlin and Germany: 30 January, 2021

Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany


Compiled by Ana Ferreira



Berlin wants to set up its own vaccine production

In cooperation with the private pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie, Berlin wants to establish its own vaccine production. “Berlin is ready to help,” said Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) in the Berlin House of Representatives on Thursday. The health administration is in talks with the company in this regard. The company is willing to set up its own vaccine production in Berlin, Kalayci said. The necessary resources are available “to set up and quickly expand vaccine production”. According to the health senator, the company has both a suitable production hall and the necessary staff to produce vaccine. Source: nd


Poor despite work

The corona pandemic and related policies do not affect everyone in Germany equally. A study from the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) concludes that “(…) lower real wages is emerging.” Also, according to the authors, one in six dependent employees is currently considered poor. This includes above all women, young professionals and an increasing number of older people. There is still a gap of about 20 per cent between the incomes of women and men. The wage gap in East and West Germany remained unchanged. The authors sum up that “wealth is often male,” and that the pandemic is widening the gap. Source: jW

Broad alliance demands more Corona emergency aid for the poor

In a joint appeal, top representatives of 36 national trade unions and associations demand a rapid increase of the standard rates in Hartz IV and basic pensions to at least 600 euros as well as immediate additional Corona aid for poor people. Never before has there been such a broad civil society alliance for a needs-based, poverty-proof adjustment of the standard rates to a concrete level. The signatories appeal to the federal government to finally take action in the field of poverty policy. The alliance also demands financing of the purchase of an internet-compatible computer for poor pupils and credit moratoria. Source: lokalkompass

Opposition to lifting the Debt Brake

Even if the pandemic were to be over soon and the economy recovers, Germany’s economic output at the end of 2021 will be significantly lower than at the end of 2019. Government spending, however, has increased – from short-time allowances to vaccinations. The question now is how to reconcile this fact with the Basic Law, which provides for a debt brake (Schuldenbremse). The Chancellor’s Office wants honesty and commitment. That is sympathetic – but not enough to modify the debt brake. It must be removed altogether. However, the hysterical reactions to Helge Braun’s (CDU) proposal show the debt brake is sacrosanct for many Germans. Source: taz

Corona: Germany forgets its refugees

There is eager debate about the damaging consequences of the lockdown for children and young people, the economy and culture, but what about refugees? They suffer a double burden: in addition to the fear of being deported, there is the fear of being infected by the virus and the psychological consequences of the lockdown. Memet Kilic (BZI) has therefore called for a summit meeting with representatives of the federal government, the states and NGOs to tackle the most urgent problems and challenges. Meanwhile, Wiebke Judith (Pro Asyl) points out that “collective deportations to various countries take place on a regular basis.” Source: dw

Life sentence for main killer of German politician

Stephan Ernst was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Walter Lübcke. Co-defendant Markus H. received a suspended sentence. Ernst had repeatedly confessed to the crime – but in three different versions. Most recently, he incriminated his co-defendant Markus H. On Thursday, the Higher Regional Court sentenced H. to a suspended sentence of one year and six months for violating the Weapons Act. Originally, he has been charged with accessory to murder. The crime is considered the first right-wing extremist murder of a politician in the Federal Republic. The trial took place under strict hygiene conditions because of the corona pandemic. Source: taz