CineForo organized by SoliSur

Latin American cinema in Berlin


We invite you to join us in a space of film and political debate, where we will showcase Latin American documentaries focused on issues such as migratory rights, the advance of the right wing, and struggles against extractivism. We will screen a documentary every two months in the auditorium of Spore Initiative at Hermannstraße 86, 12051 Berlin.

In the second CineForo of SoliSur, we will show The Panama Deception (1992), a documentary shedding light on the US invasion of Panama in 1989. After the screening, we will open a dialogue to discuss other cases of US military interventions in Latin America, such as Plan Colombia and the Mérida Initiative (Plan Mexico). Come and share your opinions in this space of critical and solidarity analysis. Through memory, consciousness, and reflection, we weave networks of internationalist resistance. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, the 23rd of May at 18:00.

SoliSur is a migrant political group based in Berlin. We are united by a political practice that seeks to articulate the Latin American migration experience with our lives in the city from an internationalist perspective. For the past two years, we have focused our political work on defending migrant rights, questioning the extractivist practices that Latin American territories suffer from big capital benefiting local elites and “developed” countries, and fighting against the extreme manifestations of capitalism that result in the rise of the extreme right, both in Europe and in Latin America / Abya Yala.