18:00 - 20:30
For this event we are bringing together activists and historians to explore the parallels between Irish and Palestinian history and resistance. We’ll explore what lessons Ireland’s struggle, as well as South Africa’s fight against apartheid, can offer Palestinians, with a focus on looking to the future. How do grassroots movements, global solidarity, and cultural survival keep hope alive in the face of displacement, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing?
The discussion will be accompanied by a short compilation of documentary footage.
The speakers – Irish-South African academic and activist Patrick Bond, and representatives of the Irish Bloc will be addressing the following subjects:
- The power of grassroots resistance
- International solidarity and boycotts
- Non-violent resistance and diplomacy
- The role of international law
- Cultural identity
- Lessons from past struggles.
This Event will be in the Rosa Luxemburg Saal of Karl Liebknecht Haus (Kleine Alexanderplatz 28). It is jointly organised by theleftberlin and the Irish Bloc.
- Karl-Liebknecht Haus
Kleine Alexanderstraße 28, U-Bahn Rosa Luxemburg Platz, Berlin