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18:30 - 20:00
NOTE: Because of the Witness| شاهد Gaza Through Children’s Eyes exhibition, this week’s reading group will be taking place in the Moos Space, Moosdorferstraße 7-9 and at the earlier time at 6.30.
Recommended Reading
- Jonathan Cook Why the news media’s job is to groom us
- Edith Olmsted Why Are CNN, ABC, and NBC Reporters Embedding With the Israeli Military?
- Elena Dudum Palestine and the Power of Language
- Ben Burgis The New York Times Has an Ugly Anti-Palestinian Bias
- Mike Berry and Greg Philo Why does it happen? (from More Bad News from Israel)
- interview with Hebh Jamal “Living in this country, there is no nuance when it comes to the idea of Palestinian Liberation”
Supplementary Reading
- Vidya Krishnan Western coverage of Gaza: A textbook case of coloniser’s journalism
- Shav MacKay Between a Rock and a Staatsräson: What’s Up With German Media?
- Dessi Gomez LA Times Bars Staffers Who Signed Open Letter Criticizing Israel From Covering Gaza
- Adam Johnson, Othman Ali Coverage of Gaza war in the New York Times and other major newspapers heavily favored Israel, analysis shows
- Chris McGreal CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’
- Günseli Yalcinkaya The girlbossification of global warfare
Books to read on the general subject of media
- Edward S Herman and Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Consent
- John Molyneux Will the Revolution be televised?
- Moos
Moosdorfstraße 7-9, 5 minutes walk from S-Bahn Treptower Park