Stories of Indigenous Struggles from Bangladesh

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  •  26/07/2024
     19:00 - 22:00

This event will start by screening a 67 minute film about an indigenous Mro girl, Domra, living in the hills of south-east Bangladesh.

UPDATE: After the screening we will have a discussion on the topic and also focus on the current situation in Bangladesh. We will end the event with a vigil remembering all the victims of the recent state oppression in Bangladesh. Note that there is currently an internet blackout in Bangladesh, due to which it is very difficult to get in touch with people there.

Film synopsis

Domra is a Mro girl child, her mother went missing when she was small. Domra was told her mother lives on a mountaintop far away from her village which is located in the hilly district of Bandarban. One day, after they were taught how to write letters in school, Domra writes her mother a letter and asks her father, a mysterious figure, to take it to the post office. But her father suddenly dies from a sniper’s bullet. Domra’s letter to her mother remains unsent.

Directed by Sk Shuvo Shadique  Produced by Baizid Khan
1 hr 7 mts
Mro and Bangla language film with English subtitles
Adheres to the principles of Liberate Cinephile movement, refuses commercial screenings, seeks alternative avenues.