Exhibition: Witness

شاهد Gaza Through Children’s Eyes


In a land where bombs are a more frequent sound than birds, drawing, painting, and craft become important channels for children to express their feelings and fears.

Welcome to WITNESS شاهد, an exhibition that offers a glimpse into the lives of Palestinian children. These drawings are created by children living in the Gaza Strip, who have been enduring forced displacement, trauma and loss.

The Palestine Humanitarian Response Campaign  (PHRC) established the Children’s Village outside the IDP camps in Rafah in December 2023. The Village aims to provide a sense of security and support for more than 250 children amidst the chaos and the deadly Israeli assaults. Every day, 15 dedicated adults with professional backgrounds in various fields run activities that bring joy and hope to the young people, including arts, music, dance, circus performances, or games.

As you walk through this exhibition, we invite you to see the world through the eyes of the children of Gaza. Let these silent voices move you, and let this exhibition be a call to action for justice and humanity.

Here and now, you are a WITNESS شاهد too!

The Witness exhibition is in the Moos gallery, Moosbergerstraße 7-9, between 12 noon and 8pm each day. You can find the Event programme here.