No fear! Class Struggle!?


 July 10th – 14th at Volksbühne, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

FESTIWALLA – Five days packed with theater, performances, music, rap, spoken word, dance, (art-) installations, games, discussions, workshops, food, and community – on the big stage and in the streets! FESTIWALLA brings you marginalized youth perspectives and their art, featuring local ensembles from Berlin and collectives from Palestine, Italy, Spain, Chile, Bolivia, and Nigeria. Under the motto “No fear! Class Struggle!?” it addresses work and strikes, war and the rise of the right, migration and flight, and many other pressing political issues. Young artists tackle burning questions: Who or what defines class? What does class struggle truly mean? Where does oppression come from? How can we resist and empower ourselves? And can theater become a place shaped by and for working-class kids?

About Theater X and FESTIWALLA 

Theater X is an alternative community theater in Berlin Moabit, co-managed by youth and staff. At the heart of its work is critical artistic engagement with social conditions. FESTIWALLA by Theater X is a platform for young, marginalized cultural creators, a cultural event blending a international youth art festival, a block party, a trans-local expert forum, and a cultural-political jam session. FESTIWALLA aims to open the doors of high-culture institutions, providing young artists a stage for cultural and political self-representation. After several editions at locations such as the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and ufaFabrik, the 7th FESTIWALLA will take place for the first time at Volksbühne, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Block Party Against the Right Wing

YALLA! Enough! Siamo tutti Antifacisti! Because of recent events, the platform for Migration Matters invites all young people to our “Block Party against the Right Wing” on Friday, 12th July from 4 pm until 7 pm as part of FESTIWALLA 2024. This will be an opportunity to discuss how we can resist the growing right-wing threat. The event will be in German, but translation into English will be provided.