Free Palestine!

Text of the Palestine flyer that was distributed by die Linke Neukölln in the neighbourhood during the election campaign


Stop the Genocide, Break the Silence 

The situation in Palestine is drastic. Since October 7th, 46,000 people have been killed, hundreds of thousands go hungry and the Gaza strip lies in ruins. The German government stays silent and continues to export weapons to Israel. Here in Neukölln, those who call attention to the situation are met with police and infringements on their civil rights. This is an attack on our fundamental rights. Here in Neukölln, we will not stay silent. Our history, our grief and anger must be heard. The occupation must end. We need a permanent ceasefire and an end to German weapons exports to Israel.

A Safe Stay for All

Many of our neighbours and friends have no permanent residence rights in Germany, living only with the threat of deportation temporarily suspended.  Despite living here for years, they can’t vote and thus can’t have an impact on the policies that influence their lives. As Leftists we demand that all those who have lived here for five years be granted the right to be citizens here, too, without having to give up their first citizenship. No one should be treated as a second class citizen in their own home. 

Against Anti-Muslim Racism

Our Muslim neighbours have been experiencing daily racism since before October 7th. Their shops are searched without reason, they are antagonised on the streets and their children face discrimination at school.  After October 7th, this structural racism only got worse. Police checks and surveillance increase and Muslim communities are seen as generally suspect. We have to fight back together. Neukölln is our home and we won’t allow our neighbours to live in fear. 

A Loud Voice Coming From Neukölln

Since before October 7th, I have been standing up for the rights of Palestinians and against anti-Muslim racism. I have criticised the occupation of the Palestinian territories and oppression of the Palestinian people through Israel’s politics. I have regularly questioned the situation of the Palestinians and consistently protested against the restriction of fundamental rights on the ground—as the only Berlin member of parliament doing so.  

Changing Politics for Neukölln and Palestine

My name is Ferat Koçak. My story is the story of many in Neukölln. My grandparents came from Anatolia to Germany in search of a better life. Money was always tight, but our family stayed strong together. My friends were Kurdish, Palestinian, Lebanese, Turkish, Polish, Albanian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and German. Neukölln is our home. 

I am running for a seat in the Bundestag to change politics together, here at home. Even before election campaigns began, I rang 10,000 doorbells here in our neighbourhood. The concerns you shared with me on your doorsteps are the focus of my platform. Exploding rent prices, overflowing trains, increasing grocery costs and streets littered with trash affect us all. Many of you also reported constant worries about family and friends in Palestine. 

Stop By!

▶ Rally: ‘For a Just Peace in Palestine and Israel’ Saturday, 15. February, 2 PM, Spreebogenpark am Kanzleramt 

▶ Be Ferat’s Guest: Big winter festival with tasty food and good music. Sunday, 16. February, 2-6 PM . Kiezkapelle Hermannstr. 102