Germany Must End Its Complicity in Gaza Genocide

A Call to Retract Baerbock’s Statement


Germany’s Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, has defended Israel’s targeting of civilians in Gaza, stripping Palestinians of their fundamental right to protection under International Humanitarian Law. On 10 October 2024, she told the German Bundestag, “When Hamas terrorists hide behind people, behind schools … civilian sites could lose their protected status.”

In parroting Israel’s old narrative of human shielding, Baerbock provides a flimsy justification for the genocidal campaign against Palestinian civilians. For this claim to hold, Israel would need to prove that Hamas deliberately prevents civilians from evacuating “hostile zones”. Yet, under Israeli occupation, all of Gaza is a “hostile zone”, a concentration camp, where civilians and militants alike are trapped with no means of escape.

Baerbock’s position ignores the crucial fact that, even if Hamas were found to be using human shields, Israel, as an attacking force, remains bound by International Humanitarian Law. This includes obligations to uphold the principles of proportionality, distinction, and precautions to minimize civilian casualties. Most critically, Baerbock disregards that Israel, as an occupying power, cannot invoke the right of “self-defense” under international law when dealing with Gaza, a territory it illegally occupies alongside the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The Foreign Minister’s stance reveals a stark lack of empathy toward the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza who endured a year of live-streamed extermination. It also represents a blatant disregard for the principles of international law and human decency. Human rights organizations, UN agencies, and free media have consistently debunked the claims she has uncritically echoed. Instead of advocating for an end to the genocide in Gaza and taking a principled stand, Germany appears to be perpetuating its dark legacy by endorsing mass atrocities against Palestinians.

While the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the global Palestine solidarity movement call for an end to the horrific assault on Palestinians, Germany remains shamefully aligned with genocide, refusing to learn from its past.

We, the undersigned, unequivocally condemn the German government’s support for Israel’s relentless acts of genocide against the Palestinian people. We denounce Minister Baerbock’s stance, which stands in stark defiance of international law and basic human decency. We demand that the German government immediately retract her statement and issue a formal apology to the Palestinian civilians—innocent victims caught in the flames of injustice. It is time for Germany to stand on the right side of history, to reject complicity in these crimes, and to honor the principles of humanity it once vowed never to betray.

Initiated by: The Palestine Academic Group (PalAc)

Palestine Academic Group (PalAc) is an independent non-profit, non-partisan academic organization that aims to broaden deliberation on the Palestinian national project of liberation, self-determination, and safeguarding the human dignity and historical rights of the Palestinian people.

Twitter: Follow @Pal_Ac1

You can sign this statement here.


1. Hendrik Süß, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

2. Sabine Broeck, University of Bremen, Germany

3. Simon-Rafael Fischer, Institute of Mathematics, Georg-August University, Germany

4. Manfred Liebel, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany

5. Benjamin Schuetze, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (ABI), Germany

6. Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich, Kiel University, Germany

7. Christoph Günther, University of Erfurt, Germany

8. Robert Sauer-Ernst, FU Berlin, Germany

9. Berit Thorbjørnsrud, University of Oslo, Norway

10. Monica jaeckel, Independent Resaercher, Berlin, Germany

11. Nour Fanous, SSchulamt Dortmund, Germany

12. Mohamed Zinalabdin, Esslingen Hochschule, Germany

13. Juergen Mackert, University of Potsdam, Germany

14. Doris Bühler-Niederberger, Independent Researcher, Germany

15. Juan Cole, University of Michigan, USA

16. Gilbert Achcar, SOAS University, UK

17. Lila Abu-Lughod, Columbia University, New York, USA

18. Sinam Mirza, Oxford University, UK

19. Joshua Landis, University of Oklahoma, USA

20. Joshua Makalintal, University of Innsbruck, Austria

21. Keiko Sakurai, Waseda university, Japan

22. Melania Brito Clavijo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

23. Astrid Jamar, University of Antwerp, Belgium

24. Minoo Mirshahvalad, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

25. Hayato Saigo, Nagahama Institute of Bio-science and Technology, Japan

26. Chiara Lanfranchi, Geneva Institute, Switzerland

27. Spyros Marchetos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

28. Randi Deguilhem, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France

29. David Lyon, Queen’s University, Canada

30. Juan M. Amaya-Castro, Universidad de los Andes, Columbia

31. Christian Haesemeyer, University of Melbourne, Australia

32. Paola Rivetti, Dublin City University, Ireland

33. Tatiana Filimonova, National Library of Russia, Russia

34. Mulki Al-Sharmani, University of Helsinki, Finland

35. Carolina Nazzal, Universidad de cHile, Chile

36. Khaled Hroub, Northwestern University, USA

37. Fernanda Liberali, PUC-SP, Brazil

38. Sviataslau Valasiuk, University of Warsaw, Poland

39. Stefanie Baumann, New University of Lisbon, Portugal

40. Sari Hanafi, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

41. Natalia Maystorovich Chulio, University of Sydney, Australia

42. Abeer Al-Najjar, The American University in Sharjah, UAE

43. Walid Darwish, Aalborg University, Denmark

44. Andrea Meza Torres, UAM-I University, Malaysia

45. Jody Rosenblatt, King’s College London, UK

46. Ibrahim Fraihat, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar

47. Koray Durak, University of Basel, Switzerland

48. Basem Ezbidi, Birzeit University, Palestine

49. Michele Lancione, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

50. Heba Ezxat, Ibn Haldun University, Türkiye

51. Ulrika Mårtensson, NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

52. Yadira Cordova, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela

53. Marc Oliveras, University of Barcelona, Spain

54. Askoka Thakur, Sister Nivedita University, India

55. Altay Karimli, Baku State University, Azerbaijan

56. Faten Ghattas, СУ “Св.Климент Охридски”, Bulgaria

57. Alessandra Bonazzi, University of Bologna, Italy

58. Oliver Scharbrodt, Lund University, Sweden

59. Yoshiko Kurita, Chiba University, Japan

60. Khaled Shnoune University of Boumerdes, Algeria

61. Sahar AlaaEldin, Göttingen University, Germany

62. Hideaki Shinoda, Tokyo University of Foreign Affairs, Japan

63. Samer Abomoghli, Qadisieh college, Iraq

64. William Youmans, George Washington University, USA

65. Mahmoud Abdurrohman, Aarhus universitet, Denmark

66. Yahya Qtaishat, Hashemite University, Jordan

67. Massih Zekavat, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

68. Aicha Elbasry, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Qatar

69. Mkhaimer Abusada, Al-Azhar University, Palestine

70. Robert Boyce, London School of Economics, (LSE), UK

71. Silvia Maeso, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal

72. Federico Della Valle, University of Siena, Italy

73. Ruba Salih, University of Bologna, Italy

74. Luz Gómez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

75. Akin Akinade, Goergetown University, USA

76. Mohamed Magout , Free University Berlin, Germany

77. Shaery Yazdi, University of Antwerp, Belgium

78. Monica Dall’Asta, University of Bologna, Italy

79. Heiki Schroeder, University of East Angelia, UK

80. Francesca Biancani, University of Bologna, Italy

81. Eyad Elyan, Robert Gordon university, Scotland

82. Chandana Mathur, Maynooth University, Ireland

83. Jo-Anne Geere, University of East Anglia, UK

84. Lucia amorosi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

85. Nadia Fadil, KU Leuven, Belgium

86. Ray Bush, University of Leeds, UK

87. João Rodrigues, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Portugal

88. Azizi Al-Azmeh, Central European University, Austria

89. Samer Chehayber, University of perugia, Italy

90. Punigeaola Manduca, UNIGE, Genoa, Italy

91. Thierry Nath, The Graduate Institue ,Geneva, Switzerland

92. James Smith, UCL, UK

93. Glenn Bowman, University of Kent, UK

94. Caterina Tono, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy

95. Barbara Azaola Piazza, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

96. Jonathan Rosenhead, London School of Economics, UK

97. Donatella Della Porta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

98. John Esposito, Georgetown University, USA

99. Claire Walsh, University of Edinburgh, UK

100. Pierre-Antoine Vettorello, University of Antwerp, Belgium

101. David Lloyd, University of California, Riverside, USA

102. Richard Rubenstein, George Mason University, USA

103. Eduardo Ballån, Universidad Camilo José Cels, Spain

104. Sondos Sandgren, Uppsala University, Sweden

105. Sevgi Dogan, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

106. M. Karacan, Germany

107. Sondod Al Sad, UCSF, USA

108. Claudia Laabar, Universität Wien, Austria

109. Les Levidow, Open University, UK

110. Johnny Stiban, Birzeit University, Palestine

111. Sultan Doughan, Glodsmith University, UK

112. Şirin Fulya Erensoy, University of Groningen, Netherlands

113. Omar Elgebely, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

114. Joanne Smith Finley, Newcastle University, UK

115. William Fortich Palencia, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexico

116. Ana Santos, University of Coimbra, Italy

117. Laura Nkula, University of Capetown, South Africa

118. Maria Grazia Rossi, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

119. Johanna M. Lems, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

120. Islam Alshamleh Alshamlej, Cambridge University, UK

121. Annelys Devet, Antwerp University, Belgium

122. Lorenzo Iannuzzi, University of Forence, Italy

123. Greg Burris, Northwestern University, USA

124. Liza Goldman Huertas, Yale New Haven Hospital, USA

125. Evelyn Alsultani, University of Southern California, USA

126. Laura Stocker, Universität Wien, Austria

127. Asma Aouragh, TH – Bingen University, Germany

128. Silvana Rabinovich, UNAM university, Mexico

129. Francisco Vidal, Universidad de Jaén, Spain

130. John Gilbert, University of Florence, Italy

131. Ian Almond, Georgetown University, USA

132. Kamile Batur, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

133. Malek Abisaab, McGill University, Canada

134. Jeanette Jouili, Syracuse University, USA

135. Samia Botmeh, Birzeit University, Palestine

136. Stefan Winter, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

137. Julie Billaud, Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland

138. Yvonne Haddad, Georgetown University, USA

139. Jacqueline Perez, Université de Montréal, Canada

140. Tony Axon, Trinity College, Cambridge University, UK

141. Hipólito Rodríguez, CIESAS, Mexico

142. Yasir Soleiman, Cambridge University, UK

143. Elise Klein, Australian National University, Australia

144. Laura Feliu, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

145. Zena Hadjivasiliou, University College London, UK

146. Salam Kawakibi, CAREP – Paris, France

147. Nick Riemer, University of Sydney, Australia

148. Mohamed Abdelshafy, Coventry University, UK

149. Israa Asker, Newcastle University, UK

150. Patricia Hoyos, Externado, Columbia

151. Nizamettin Karataş, Tekirdağ Namık kemal Üniversitesi, Türkiye

152. Wael Hallaq, Columbia University, USA

153. Randa Farah, University of Western Ontario, Canada

154. Roger Few, University of East Anglia, UK

155. Mehran Kamrava, Georgetown University, USA

156. Laurie Brand, University of Southern California, USA

157. Mohamed Mohamed, University of Wales, UK

158. Dana Alkhiyami, Northwestern University, USA

159. Itab Shuayb, Cambridge University, UK

160. Halla Attallah, Georgetown University, USA

161. Donatella Donatella, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

162. Eyas Haj-Obeid, Quebec University, Canada

163. Blanca Camps-Febrer, UAB, Barcelona, Catalonia

164. Fadhel Kaboub, Denison University, USA

165. Prasannan Parthasarathi, Boston College, USA

166. Salwa Mohamed, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

167. Lubna Samman, British Colombia University, Canada

168. Yaser Alsulh, Lund University, Sweden

169. Rafael Bustos, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain

170. Anne Maass, University of Padua, Italy

171. Hayal Akarsu, Utrecht University, Netherlands

172. Rosa Barotsi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

173. Rami Khouri, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

174. Nasri Barghouti, Liverpool College, UK

175. Sami Zemni, Ghent University, Belgium

176. Helga Baumgarten, Birzeit University, Palestine

177. Margaret Pappano, Queen’s University, Canada

178. Kim Van der Borght, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

179. Anies Al-Hroub, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

180. Ricardo Marzuca, Universidad de Chile, Chile

181. Bassam Al-Agha, University college of applied sciences-Gaza, Palestine

182. Amilcar Figueroa, Universidad Bolivariana de las Comunas, Venezuela

183. Mahdi Fneish, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

184. Razan Shawamreh, Eastern Mediterranean Univesrsity, Cyprus

185. Robert Austin Henry, CIPPSAL, Chile

186. Paolo Cuttitta, Università di Genova, Italy

187. Atef Lubbad, Al Quds University, Palestine

188. Charles Butterworth, University of Maryland, USA

189. Asmaa Abu alhaijaa, Alyarmouk University, Jordan

190. Chandni Basu, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India

191. Tamer Qarmout, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar

192. Neyda Lopez, Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela, Venezuela

193. Mohamed Alsudairi, Australian National University, Australia

194. Karima Laachir, Australian National University, Australia

195. Belal Salaymeh, Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland

196. Palpo A. de la Vega M., Cátedra Africa, Medio Oriente y Asia de la Universidad de Tifariti

197. Amjad Abu el ezz, Arab American University, Palestine

198. Tariq Modood, University of Bristol, UK

199. M Fneish, Lebanese University, Lebanon

200. Rachid Jarmouni, Université moulay ismail de Meknes Morocco, Morocco

201. Mustafa Jazar, Lebanese University, Lebanon

202. Ramazan Aras, Ibn Haldoun University, Türkiye

203. Raymond Brassier, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

204. Fathy Alsolh, American University of Sharjah, UAE

205. Mustafa Jarrar, Birzeity University, Palestine

206. Baydaa Al Ayoubi, Lebanese University, Lebanon

207. Marta Tawil Kuri, El Colegio de México, Mexico

208. David Mond, University of Warwick, UK

209. Sophie Richter-Devroe, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

210. Hasan Ayub, Al Najah National University, Palestine

211. Omar Khalifa, Georgetown University, Qatar

212. Hisham Hamad, Al Quds University, Palestine

213. Gabriel Pérez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico

214. Ahmed Khaled, Birzeit University, Palestine

215. Ali Kuşakcı, Ibn Haldoun University, Türkiye

216. Mira Al Hussein, University of Edinburgh, UK

217. Walid Kharroubi, Belgrad University, Serbia

218. Abdel Hakim Al Husban, Alyarmouk University, Jordan

219. Nada Raslan, RHU, Lebanon

220. Esad Širbegović, Institute for the research of genocide Canada IGC, Canada

221. Carmen Abou Jaoude, University Saint-Joseph of Beirut, Lebanon

222. Haitham Sarhan, Qatar University, Qatar

223. Tariq Dana, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar

224. Alejandrina Reyes, Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez, Venezuela

225. Isabel Piña, Universidad Central de Venezuela

226. Ibrahim Bechouri, CUNY University, USA

227. Salim Tamari, Birzeit University, Palestine

228. Özmen Metin, Akdeniz University, Türkiye

229. Idrees Ahmad, University of Essex, UK

230. Walid Magdy, The University of Edinburgh, UK

231. Marwa Nassar, Arab American University, Palestine

232. Surer Mohamed, Cambridge University, UK

233. Hazel Marsh, University of East Anglia, UK

234. Adrija Bose, Indian Statistical Institute, India

235. Ibrahim Zabad, St. Bonaventure University, USA

236. Rahmi Oruç, Ibn Haldoun University, Türkiye

237. Luisana Colomine, Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela

238. Abdulrahman Ibrahim, Birzeit University, Palestine

239. May Farah, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

240. Javed Khan, TISS, India

241. Atef Alshaed, University of Westminster, UK

242. Muhannad Ayyash, Mount Royal University, Canada

243. Antonio Barrocu, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy

244. Detlev Quintern, Türkisch German University, Istanbul, Türkiye

245. Aryak Guha, S C College, west bengal state university, India

246. Bula Bhadta, Sister Nivedita University, kolkata, India

247. Castro Aurelio, University of Bologna, Italy

248. Ömer Yaman, Ankara Üniversitesi, Türkiye

249. Clara Ferri, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico

250. Mouna Hashem, University of Michigan, USA

251. Lucia Cirianni Salazar, Grupo de Estudios sobre Eurasia

252. Emine Güneş, Samsun University, Türkiye

253. Benoit Challand, New School for Social Research, USA

254. Emannuel Guerisoli, Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility, USA

255. Jenny Pearce, London School of Economics, UK

256. Scott Bollens, University of California, Irvine, USA

257. Mohammed Bamyeh, University of Pitsburgh, USA

258. Nadia Naser-Najjab, University of Exeter, UK

259. M. Nurullah Turan, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Türkiye

260. Recep Köklü, Samsun University, Türkiye

261. Mehmet Fatih İzgi, Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland

262. Beirach Barak, Cinelab Ifilonva, Nova University, Portugal

263. Rashid Yahiaoui, HBKU, Qatar

264. Jihad Alshwaikh, Birzeit University, Palestine

265. Nuhad Dumit, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

266. Karim Eid-Sabbagh, Independent Researcher, Lebanon

267. Fatih Gumus, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Türkiye

268. Martha Mundy, London School of Economics, UK

269. James Dickins, University of Leeds, UK

270. Michelle Obeid, University of Manchester, UK

271. Muzaffer üzümcü, Namik Kemal University, Türkiye

272. Anna Kristina Hultgren, The Open University, UK

273. Hikmet Çadır, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Türkiye

274. Killian Odochartaigh, University of Edinburgh, UK

275. Nurcan Güneş, Mardin Artuklu University, Türkiye

276. Haideh Moghissi, York University, Toronto, Canada

277. Saeed Rahnema, York University, Canada

278. Bouchra Mossmann, SDU Odense (University of Southern Denmark), Denmark

279. Jork Wiegratz, University of Leeds, UK

280. Francisca Urias, UAM-Xoch, Mexico

281. Che Broadnax, The New School, New York, USA

282. Anthony Gorman, University of Edinburgh, UK

283. Johannes Kurzeder, University of Bologna, Italy

284. Jonathan Jonsson, University of Oslo, Norway

285. Catherine Charrett, University of Westminster, London , UK

286. Ferran Izquierdo-Brichs, UAB, Spain

287. Ziba Mir-Hosseini, SOAS, London, UK

288. Ghassan Khatib, Birzeit University, Palestine

289. Richartd Tapper, SOAS, London, UK

290. Jonas Grabbe, CENIEH, Spain

291. Heike Schroeder, University of East Anglia, UK

292. Betül Başaran, St. Mary’s Collection of Maryland, USA

293. Vanessa Kleinheinz, University of Edinburgh, UK

294. Are John Knudsen, Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), Norway

295. Mohammad Reza Nilfar, Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, Netherlands

296. Amir Taha, Amsterdam University, Netherlands

297. Daniel Maldonado Juárez, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, El Colegio de México, México

298. Teresa Almeida Cravo, University of Coimbra, Portugal

299. Mariateresa Crosta, INAF – OATo, Italy

300. Geraldo Campos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil

301. Roger Hammersland, Statistics Norway, Oslo New University College, Norway

302. Joseph Bryant, University of Toronto, Canada

303. Daniel Lenkeit, FU Berlin, Germany

304. Yusuf Timol, University of Central Lancashire, UK

305. Lara Urban, Helmholtz Munich / Technical University of Munich, Germany

306. Arturo Hartmann Pacheco, Ceai-UFS, South Africa

307. Faysal Bibi, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin / University of Potsdam Germany

308. Geraldine Hepp, Leuphana Universität, Germany

309. Jean-René Ruault, NEMO, Madrid, Spain.