Grupa Granica

A newly-formed coalition of several established migrant support organisations in Poland is our Campaign of the Week


Grupa Granica (“Border Group”) is a newly-formed coalition of several established non-governmental organisations in Poland, which have been working for and with migrants for many years.

The group was formed to address the humanitarian crisis happening at the Polish-Belarusian border. It offers on-the-ground, material support for the people currently stuck there, as well as coordinating a Poland-wide response to the crisis and any new developments. The group also includes documentation, investigation and legal teams.

Members of the group are: Stowarzyszenie Nomada, Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej, Stowarzyszenie Homo Faber, Polskie Forum Migracyjne, Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, Salam Lab, Dom Otwarty, Centrum Pomocy Prawnej im. Haliny Nieć, Chlebem i Solą, uchodź, Testigo Documentary, Kuchnia Konfliktu, Strefa WolnoSłowa, RATS Agency and independent activists, lawyers and investigators.

  • For the latest updates from Grupa Granica, check out their Twitter profile at @GrupaGranica.