International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms


Founded in 1988 in Stockholm IALANA has grown into a fully-fledged international citizens’ organization with consultative status with the United Nations.

IALANA has also expanded its scope of action to include

  • efforts to abolish all types of inhumane weapons and to control the international arms trade,

  • advancing concepts of security based on the application of law and legal mechanisms, development of non-offensive defence and implementation of confidence building measures,

  • encouraging the establishment and use of the International Criminal Court and other legal procedures to address crimes against international humanitarian law.

The German section was formed in June 1989 in Bonn as a non-profit organisation. The remit was later extended to include biological and chemical weapons and peaceful peace building. In 2016 the name was updated. The organisation is now called „IALANA Deutschland e.V. -association for the right to peace – German section of the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms (IALANA)“.

In Germany, IALANA started 1990 with an international colloquium and critical contributions on NATO’s strategy for nuclear weapons. Participants from 13 nations, including high-ranking military, legal and peace scientists, attended the colloquium in Berlin where they discussed the legal and political aspects of the doctrine of deterrence. We support the international efforts towards nuclear disarmament, in particular the World Court Project, the resulting conferences on the non-proliferation treaty and more recently the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons of 2017.

On 22 January 2021, a new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons came into force. Unfortunately, Germany is not a  signatory. IALANA demands that this changes.

On 20 January 2021, IALANA Deutschland e.V. presented an appeal aimed at Chancellor Merkel, the German Federal government and German MPs. A wide range of 319 initial signatories called on the recipients to:

  • sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons!

  • Stop the stationing of new US American B 61-12 atom bombs at the German Air Force base in Büchel, so as to prevent dangerous new nuclear armament on German soil!

  • Stop the planned purchase of 45 US American F18 fighter planes as nuclear weapon carriers for the tactical air force squadron 33 of the German army.

You can view the appeal “Join the Treaty on the the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – stop the nuclear armament of Germany here, and view the initial signatories and sign it yourself here.