Following last week’s contribution Hashtag 161, here is the latest in the series of works by Berlin-based Palestinian artists Rasha Al Jundi and Michael Jabareen.
…this image was inspired by an encounter of a protestor…during an anti-Zionist demonstration in the US. He rightfully called out the media by stating “You’re full of shit.”

In October 2023, Western media, German or otherwise, has reached a sub-zero level of ethical journalism. In fact, the latter seems to be an alien concept to both individuals and media organisations. As the world was watching a live-streamed genocidal campaign in occupied Palestine, Western media outlets not only misrepresented or edited out facts about the context, they outright spread lies and misinformation.
In this image, the abandoned items include: a blue potty chair, a pink cardboard box and a metal shower hanger.
Titled “Shit”, this image was inspired by an encounter of a protestor with a non-German journalist during an anti-Zionist demonstration in the US. He rightfully called out the media by stating “You’re full of shit.” We don’t see the German mainstream media as any different to the outlets based in US, UK or other similar contexts. They have been playing a significant role in confirming the stance of their racist and bloodthirsty governments. They have directly collaborated in the genocide against the Palestinian people, and we are all witnesses of their broadcasted crimes.
Where is the accountability for all this shit?
Image taken in Kreuzberg, Berlin (2023)