Marching alongside Nazis is no stroll in the park

Stop the downplaying and denial of Coronavirus


Statement by Aufstehen gegen Rassismus

In a few days, people who trivialize the Coronavirus pandemic are planning to march down your street.

The latest rallies taking place across the country have been initiated by the extreme right. It is therefore not surprising that at these “Corona protests,” racists, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis and even representatives of the AfD are spreading hatred. They are finding new supporters among those who compare vaccinations to the Holocaust and demonize masks as symbols of oppression.

Believers in conspiracy narratives look for culprits to Jews or Muslims, who they blame for the situation, and for being in cahoots with the government. Let us not forget: it was conspiracy ideologies like the “Great Replacement” that animated among others the murderers of Walter Lübcke and the assassins of Halle and Hanau to commit their horrific crimes.

It is completely legitimate to criticize the government’s actions during the pandemic. But whoever collaborates with Nazis, racists and trivializers of the Nazi regime makes common cause with them. Whoever cares about democracy cannot allow themselves to be instrumentalized by a right-wing antidemocratic fringe!

Please join us

Please raise your voice in protest against the Corona deniers. Show this radical, loud minority that they do not represent the interests of the majority in solidarity!

Take part in counter-demonstrations or make signs and banners with the slogan “Kein Platz für Nazis” (“No space for Nazis!”) and hang them from or display them prominently in your windows. Give your old sheets a new life! Shout “Masken auf — Nazis raus!” (“Masks on, Nazis out!”) from your window if you feel it. Or x, or y, or z…. Please warn your neighbors, colleagues, friends and people you know about the Covid trivializers and their pact with the enemies of our democracy.

Materials against “Querdenken” and the pact with the AfD, Reichsbürger and the like are available here. Simply download, print, display and show the right-wingers they have no business whatsoever in your street!

Get involved

Feel free to contact us via email for more information: Aufstehen gegen Rassismus (AgR) — Stand Up Against Racism



This text originally appeared on a leaflet from Aufstehen gegen Rassismus. Translation: Julie Niederhauser. Reproduced with permission