Member Directory

A life long Liverpool supporter who goes home and away, and a committee member of the Liverpool supporters, Spirit of Shankly Union.

Tom Bramble is an Australian socialists and journalist for Red Flag. He is the co-author, with Mick Armstrong, of the book 'The Fight for Workers’ Power: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the 20th Century'

Sanaz Azimipour is an activist and co-founder of the campaign “not without us 14 percent”, advocating for voting rights for everyone. Her preferred writing topics are intersectionality and social justice.

Sarah Raymundo is a full-time faculty at the University of the Philippines-Diliman Center for International Studies. She is engaged in activist work in BAYAN (The New Patriotic Alliance), the International League of Peoples’ Struggles, and Chair of the Philippines-Bolivarian Venezuela Friendship Association. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal for Labor and Society (LANDS) and Interface: Journal of/and for Social Movements.

Analie Gepulani Neiteler sees her surroundings from a cosmoproletarian lense and wants to write about it much more.

Her roots from physical labor rurality in Germany & Philippines stay always close, simultaneously reminiscing about ricefields and her grandma's curly parsley until Berlin-Wedding's noise brings her back to her red urban reality in the now.

She also writes in:

Hannes Strobel is a sociologist, dealing in particular with the relationship between work and health. He has been engaged for many years in urban movements, currently in the AG-Starthilfe of the campaign Deutsche Wohnen and Co Enteignen in Berlin,

Asha is a human rights activist and musicologist from the Forest of Dean, UK. Currently residing in Germany.

Rob Hoveman is a doctoral student in philosophy at the Central European University in Vienna and a member of the SWP (UK). He writes on economics and is an enthusiastic fan of opera, football, cricket and walking in Yorkshire.