Rob Ferguson is a member of the SWP and an anti war activist.
He visited Ukraine in 2015 during the height of the conflict in the east of Ukraine. He also spent a year in Russia during the first war on Chechnya in the mid 1990s. He is on the national steering committee of the STWC.
He has written numerous articles on Ukraine and Russia including in the wars on Ukraine and Chechnya.
Andrei Belibou is a Romanian PhD candidate in Sociology at FU Berlin. He works on theories of identity politics, class, and capitalism.
Leandros Fischer is a scholar focussing on migration, left-wing movements, and international relations. He is based in Hamburg and assistant professor for international studies at Aalborg University in Denmark.
Noah is a graphic designer and activist from the UK. Now based in Berlin, he is active with Extinction Rebellion
Ken Hiebert took part in his first Vietnam demonstration in 1966. He remains active today in the Palestine solidarity movement, as well as in support of Syrian refugees.
Michael Sappir is an Israeli writer, philosophy student, and organizer based in Leipzig. He is the leading editor of critica, newspaper of Die Linke.SDS, and part of Jewish-Israeli Dissent (JID Leipzig). His website is
Fouad Mami is a scholar from Algeria. He teaches African Literature and Literary Theory at the Department of English, University of Adrar (Algeria). More on his work can be found by clicking on any of these links: