Member Directory

David Karvala has lived in Catalonia since 1993. He is a member of marx21 in the Spanish state and is one of the spokespeople of Unity Against Fascism and Racism

Luisa Fenizola is Public Policy Analyst and Community Reporting Coordinator at Rio-based NGO Catalytic Communities, which works with local favelas, and Master in International Relations with a focus on Conflict, Violence and Pacification.

Giorgos Pittas is a journalist for the workers solidarity newspaper in Athens and member of SEK (socialist workers party) in greece. He is also active in Keerfa (united against racism and racist threat).

Kirsty Pattison has lived in Berlin since 2018. She works in a Kindergarten and is a GEW Trade Union member

Julia Bar-Tal is an activist with AbL Brandenburg [AbL ist short for Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft, or working group for rural agriculture]

Hengameh Yaghoobifarah was born in 1991 in Kiel, writes essays and texts about po culture and queer feminism. in 2019 Hengameh published a collection of stories about immigration, together with Fatma Aydemir, "Eure Heimat ist unser Alptraum"

Thomas Sablowki is an economist at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, a member of the party die LINKE and a member of the scientific council of ATTAC Germany

Duroyan Fertl is a political analyst and former Political Advisor for Sinn Féin and GUE/NGL in the European Parliament.