Born in Sunderland in north-east England Carol McGuigan worked for a time as a professional actor and freelance dramatist for BBC Radio. She moved to Berlin in 2011, is still writing and is branch secretary for Labour International Berlin.
Dimitra Kryillou is a Greek socialist, living in Berlin. She was an elected member of ANTARYSYA's National Council. She is currently an active member of the LINKE Berlin Internationals.
Edward Knudsen is a member of DSA Berlin and researcher on transatlantic relations and political economy at the Hertie School
Anja Ilić is a Sociology student at University of Belgrade (Faculty of Philosophy) and an activist of Marks21, a revolutionary socialist organisation based in Serbia.
Wieland Hoban is a composer, translator and chair of the organisation “Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost” [Jewish Voice for just peace in the Middle East]. He represents the organisation in the organisation IJCJP (International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine).
Antony Hamilton is a Berlin based graphic designer and socialist activist from the UK. he is the author of 'A rebel's guide to Malcolm X'
Yoav Haifawi is an anti-Zionist activist and maintains the blogs Free Haifa and Free Haifa Extra.
Nancy du Plessis applies her degree in urban design studies to activism – in New York, Paris and Berlin.
Rehad Desai is an independent film maker from Johannesburg. Following his return from political exile Rehad worked as a health and safety/media officer for a chemical workers union and as the head of a HIV prevention unit. His films include Miners Shot Down and Everything Must Fall.