Judy Cox is author of The Women’s Revolution: Russia 1905-17. She is a teacher who lives and works in East London. She is researching the role played by women in the Chartist Movement.
Majed Abusalama is an award winning journalist, scholar, campaigner and human rights defender who grew up in Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza and is now based in Berlin.
His articles and political commentary has been featured in Middle East Eye, Mondoweiss, Deutsche Welle, Babelmed, among others. He specialises in political analysis and conflict transformation programs.
John Mullen is an anticapitalist activist living in the Paris region since the 1980s. He is a supporter of the France Insoumise.
Anthony Reddie is one of the foremost Practical Black theologians in the world. In 2015 Professor Reddie was appointed Professor Extraordinarius in the Department of Philosophy, Practical and Systemic Theology at the University of South Africa. He is currently the Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, at Regent's Park College, Oxford University
Hanna Grześkiewicz is a Polish writer, consultant and activist based in Berlin. She’s a member of the Polish feminist collective Constellation of Liberation (CoLiberation) and is the joint speaker of DIE LINKE Berlin’s International working group.
Jaime Martínez Porro (1989, Palencia, Spain) is a philologist who lives in Berlin. He is a militant in Izquierda Unida Berlín.
Jacinta Nandi lives in Berlin and thinks ableism is a fucking disease. Her latest book, Die schlechteste Hausfrau der Welt was published in October 2020.
Antigoni Ntonti is a member of the LAG Internationals Berlin and Die Linke Neukölln. Origanally from Greece, she is a social worker in a project with Roma and Sinti in Berlin Neukölln and holds a PhD on the economization of Education.
Christine Buchholz is a LINKE MP from Hessen. She is a member of the party's executive board and works in the alliance Aufstehen gegen Rassismus