Hossam el-Hamalawy is an Egyptian journalist and activist, long involved in the labour movement. In 2011, he sent regular despatches from the frontline in Cairo to several international media outlets, and was among the organisers in Tahrir Square. He is currently based in Berlin.
Elena Gagovska is a socialist from Macedonia and was an active member of die LINKE Berlin Internationals until she returned to Skopje.
John Puntis is a retired consultant paediatrician who worked in the UK NHS for over 40 years. He is active in the trade union 'Doctors in Unite' and co-chair of Keep Our NHS Public.
Thomas McGath is a Berlin-based writer and housing activist. He is a spokesperson for Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen and Co., a referendum to expropriate and socialize the apartments of mega-landlords in Berlin.
Raymond Deane is an Irish composer and activist based in Dublin, Ireland, and Fürth, Bavaria. http://www.raymonddeane.com.
Noor Blaas is a student of the research master in cultural anthropology at the University of Utrecht and is currently residing in Berlin to conduct ethnographic research on Palestinian solidarity in the context of pro-Israeli German politics.
Michelangelo Severgnini is an independent film maker and musician from Italy.
Victor Grossman is long-standing US activist and journalist based in Berlin.
He is a member of the Berlin LINKE Internationals and writes a regular Berlin bulletin.