Member Directory

Alan Fernandes is a journalist, educator, graduated in Philosophy from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He sometimes writes on

Dan Weissmann is a researcher in the field of political communication based in the north of England. Until recently, he taught International Relations with a focus on Cultural and Public Diplomacy at Bournemouth University on the south coast of England.

A writer and Poet
I stand up for justice
For suffering kids and women
Who are been abused or blown up
I've been on the news and radio talking about Poetry and I've won competitions and certificates for writing Poetry
And I've written my own romantic poetry book.
Standing for peace and love not war

Helga Baumgarten is a Political Scientist affiliated with Birzeit University, where she taught for many years. She has published internationally on Palestinian Nationalism, on Political Islam and on the problem of transformations in the Arab region.
Her major books are “Palaestina. Befreiung in den Staat. 1991. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp (Palestine. Liberation into the State. Arabic translation 2006: Muwatin ) and “Kampf um Palaestina: Was wollen Hamas und Fatah?” (Herder Verlag 2014). Among her many articles are “The Oslo System” (in German in INAMO 79, 2014, available in English on
Her latest publications include “The struggle for democratic space under violent settler colonialism and authoritarian rule”, published in July, 2021, in: Mackert, Juergen et alii (eds.). The Condition of Democracy, vol.3, p.90-109, as well as “No peace for Palestine. The long war against Gaza. Occupation and Resistance” (in German. Published with Promedia, Vienna, in September 2021. An Arabic translation has been published in January 2024 with Doha Institute).

Photo: Stefan Röhl CC-BY-SA 2.0

Noa Paul has been involved in the No Borders Movement in Germany and Greece, and is currently doing a masters degree in Migration Studies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona.

Emily O’Sullivan is a newbie activist and aspiring writer and journalist. She grew up in fundamentalist Christianity, thought dinosaurs and humans coexisted until her thirties and didn’t even know Palestine existed. She now has four college degrees, including a doctorate, and has learned better. If she can come this far, there is still hope for humanity. She is particularly passionate about ending global imperialism, occupation and war.

Nina Frey is a Berlin-based German anthropologist and activist with a regional focus on Nicaragua and Latin America in general. Her personal and professional interest range from international development policies and state building to intersectional feminism and human rights.