Interview with lawyer, politician, and activist Ahmed Abed
News & Comment
France: New battle raging against Macron over retirement pensions
Macron’s attacks on pensions are severe. But resistance is expected, and such attacks have been stopped in the past, reports John Mullen in Paris
News from Berlin and Germany, 12th January 2023
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
Klimaneustart Berlin
Yes to the referendum to make Berlin Climate Neutral by 2030.
Is a Military Coup Possible in Brazil?
Conditions for a coup still exist in Brazil. Lula must act quickly to purge the military of potential coup plotters.
Democracy at stake: hardcore bolsonarism and renewed challenges for Lula’s government
How could the attempted coup happen in Brazil and what happens now?
Radio Berlin International#18 – Wir haben es Satt / Stop Trade With Settlements / Oh Jeremy Corbyn
with Inka Lange from the Wir Haben Agrarindustrie Satt! Coalition, Doris Ghannam from the ECCP, and Norman Thomas, producer of “Oh, Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie”:
The potential coup in Brazil is not over
A fascist mob challenges Brazilian democracy under this slogan “God, Country, and Family”. Professors Mariana Kalil and Thiago Rodrigues warn that the police cannot be trusted to stop them.
Phil Butland’s Year in Film 2022
What you should see – what you should definitely avoid