Call for Solidarity from the Haqooq-e-Khalq Party in Pakistan
News & Comment
Promiscuous Profit, Fickle Allyship, and the Qatar World Cup
Elite nations wipe crocodile tears for LGBTQ+ people with the blood money their capitalist class makes in alliance with the Qatari autocracy
Umverteilen! Redistribute! – Demo impressions
Photographs from the November Umverteilen demo against high prices and low wages.
Israeli scholar cancelled by German teaching union – this cannot continue
Protest letter to chairs of the GEW education union
Why and How we are Challenging the Bundestag Resolution on BDS
Interview with Christoph Glanz (Bundestag 3 for Palestine)
Palestinians reach out to gender equality and LGBTIQ+ activist groups
Draft e-mails asking for support for a European Citizens Initiative against trade with the occupied territories
News from Berlin and Germany, 24th November 2022
Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany
Niemand ist Vergessen / No-one is Forgotten
Commemorative Campaign for the Victims of Right-Wing Violence
Exclusion of People of Colour (PoC) Academics in Germany
Recent cases show that non-White, and particularly Palestinian, academics still face discrimination in Germany