Marxism and the fight against urban expansion in Pom Poko
News & Comment
How we Honoured the Children of Gaza in Berlin
Report from an Immersed observer
“Art and culture are spaces to amplify the voice of resistance.”
Interview with Y.H, curators of the exhibition: “I will write our will above the clouds”, on for this weekend in Panke Gallery,
Another State Murder in the USA
The Death Penalty in the USA is unreliable and racially biased
News from Berlin and Germany, 23rd October 2024
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
An association for justice in Germany and freedom in Palestine
Irish Bloc Berlin Manifesto
Manifesto to explain what the @IrishBlocBerlin is about
Raid and Attempted Arson Attack at Kurdish Verein
Interview with Ferat Koçak: Nav Berlin saw a community day interupted by a police raid, and the next day during a community meeting suspected Grey Wolf fascists attempted an arson attack on the community centre
The post-election challenge in France
Interview with John Mullen by Tempest magazine