Only a Single Democratic Secular State can guarantee equality for everyone living in Israel/Palestine
News & Comment
Stolen Cameras Fundraiser
Fundraiser for cameras to Sahrawi citizen journalists
Rise Up (against neocolonial activism)!
A new documentary highlights important struggles abroad, but is reluctant to show similar fights in today’s Germany
News from Berlin and Germany, 25th August 2022
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
Hypocrisy, Holocaust and Abbas
The manufactured outrage over Abbas’ remarks obscures Israel’s routine exploitation of the Holocaust. Guest article by journalist and blogger Richard Silverstein
Corbyn: The fight against social inequality is the core challenge of left-wing politics
A German journalist reports from a rally in Edinburgh
To undermine NATO retrenchment, the left must fight to win the peace.
Ali Khan offers a provocation for supporting Ukraine’s military effort
Israel gave up on Raoul Wallenberg: In return Sergei Lavrov voices anti-Semitic views and closes the Jewish Agency
Guest Article from one of Israel’s foremost human rights lawyers
News from Berlin and Germany, 18th August 2022
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany