Visible art by black and people of colour (BIPoC) artists
News & Comment
“Your class and education decide whether you can vote in Germany”
Read Phil Butland’s interview with Voting Rights Activist Sanaz Azimipour from Nicht Ohne Uns -14%
Who is Mick Lynch?
The rail workers’ leader offers the most visible opposition to Britain’s Tory government
Lying Whore, Lying Whore, Lying Whore, Lying Whores: Amber Heard and Women’s Right to Bear Witness
Why Were People so Ready to Believe that Heard was Lying – About Everything?
News from Berlin and Germany, 11th August 2022
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
RevolutionaryBerlin Tours
Anticapitalist walking tours since 2009.
Enough is Enough
New campaign against austerity launched in the UK
Don’t Blame “Both Sides”. Stop the Israeli Bombing: Gazan activists Speak Out
Activists from Gaza, Shahd and Majed Abusalama, react to the latest massacre,
Rally for Gaza, August 7th 2022, Potsdamer Platz
Photos by Phil Butland and Erika Mourgues