Worries about “miltary-aged men” coming to Western Europe are partly influenced by racist and sexist stereotypes
News & Comment
Socialist Women Against War. When Sylvia Pankhurst fought against war and imperialism
How a leading suffragette was radicalised in response to the First World War
A few observations on this horrible mess, two weeks on
The right wing is profiting from the frenzy around Putin’s attack on Ukraine. It’s time for more whataboutery
Become More – Insights from the engine room of the campaign “Deutsche Wohnen und Co Enteignen”
An interview with Judith and Leonie from the DWE Sammel-AG (working group for collecting support)
Russia and Ukraine – Berlin Bulletin No. 199
Every single wartime death or wound is terrible, every missile, every bullet is unnatural. This means opposing all imperialisms
Lula and the 2022 elections in Brazil
A victory for Lula in the coming elections would be a massive gain for the Left in Brazil and worldwide. For this reason, we must critically look at some of his positions and the underlying limitations of Workers Party politics.
News from Berlin and Germany, 10 March 2022
Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany
Demokratie für Alle (Democracy for All)
Voting rights from 16 and for people without a German passport
Terminal Rearmament
The war in Ukraine is spurring a terrifying arms race that will undermine peace, stifle efforts to reverse climate change, and destroy Ukraine