In this episode, Ukrainian socialists talk about the war and how we can help. A radical French MP will tell us about the coming elections. And we hear from the protests on International Womens’ Day (March 8th).
News & Comment
A young man leaves Kramatorsk…
When our rulers declare war, it is working people of all sides who suffer. Memories of a Ukrainian conscript
How can we build an effective anti-war movement?
On 27th February hundreds and thousands demonstrated in Berlin against war, but with contradictory demands. How can this movement win?
News from Berlin and Germany, 3rd March 2022
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
Host Ukrainians
Finding accommodation for people from the Ukraine fleeing to Germany
Some refugees more welcome than others
Open the borders to all refugees – from Ukraine of course, but also from the Middle East and Africa
Elections and Class Struggle in France: How useful is Jean-Luc Mélenchon? (Part One)
With the French Socialist Party in ruins, the France Insoumise is proposing a new version of left reformism. How useful is it to French working people?
To stop the war we need political clarity
Nearly 20 years after the great mobilisations against the Iraq war, the Left is now dangerously divided. Where did it all go wrong?
Stop the War!
Statement by the LINKE Berlin Internationals on Ukraine