100 years after Mussolini’s March on Rome, how can we understand Fascism?
News & Comment
“Real life, when it has passed, inclines towards obscurity”
Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Quartet is riddled with an analysis of class, misogyny and political compromise
The Long March of The Belgian Workers’ Party
How a left wing party has been able to gain support in times of austerity and pandemic
News from Berlin and Germany, 24th February 2022
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
African/Black Community (ABC)
Network of Africans /Black people in Germany
Save Food, Save Lives
Why activists are blocking roads to Save Food and Save Lives
Radio Berlin International #5 – Junge Welt / Hanau / Enteignung [Audio & Transcript]
In this episode we hear about Germany’s Marxist daily newspaper, and the latest on the campaign to bring housing in Berlin into public ownership.
“There is no difference between ‘good’ deportation and deportation that is legally OK”
Interview with Coco from No Borders Alliance about planned deportations from the BER airport.
The Truckers Convoy, Observations from a Veteran Socialist
It would be wrong to categorise all Canadians protesting against Covid restrictions as fascists, but the Left has not won them over