Interview with an organiser and two of the speakers at tomorrow’s DSA Night School on organising in the Warehouse and at the Office
News & Comment
NATO Notes – Berlin Bulletin No. 200
A brief look at NATO’s history shows that it is no force for peace
Gorillas Workers Collective: “The political space we created served as a place of resistance”
Interview with Camilo, a former Gorillas rider about organising workers in the fast food sector
Book Review – Oilcraft: The Myths of Scarcity and Security that Haunts US Energy Policy (Robert Vitalis)
What is at stake when it comes to oil? A new book investigates
Bizim Kiez
For lively neighbourhoods and a city of solidarity
Film Review – Start Wearing Purple
A film about the fight against gentrification in Berlin gives a sense of how we can win. A sequel about the messy aftermath would be just as informative
News from Berlin and Germany, 24 March 2022
Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany
What the Querdenkers are getting right
Chats on Telegram about Covid-19 are everywhere, and I couldn’t help myself but to join a few. After a few months, it seems we might be able to learn something from the Querdenkers.
Radio Berlin International #7 – Fridays for Future / Democracy for All / Tubman Network
Carla Reemtsma on why climate struggle is climate struggle. Amal Abbass on racism and Ukraine refugees. And the campaign to extend voting rights in Berlin.