It is 50 years since the anti-Fascist film Cabaret was first released. It still holds up as a spotlight on the dangers of Fascism, and how we can fight it
News & Comment
Review – Owen White, The Blood of the Colony: Wine and the Rise and Fall of French Algeria
What should they know of wine, who only wine know? The role of wine in Algerian anticolonialism
News from Berlin and Germany, 10th February 2022
Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany
“In Germany, we really have an issue with calling a Nazi a Nazi” – Interview with Antifascist Music Alliance
Hanna and Char from AMA speak about keeping the Berlin Electronic music scene Nazi-free
Initiative zur Aufklärung des Mordes an Burak (Initiative for information about Burak’s murder)
We will not be silent until Burat’s murder is explained.
Joint Declaration on VOTING RIGHTS FOR ALL
Open Letter (and video) from Aktionsbündnis Antira, Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen, Nicht ohne uns 14 % and nearly 50 other organisations to the Berln Senat
Radio Berlin International #4 – No Border Assembly, Victor Grossman on Ukraine, 2 Years Since Hanau [Audio & Transcript]
Originally broadcast on on 6 February 2022, in this episode we hear about the campaign to stop a new deportation centre at Berlin airport.
Theses at a time of an obvious attempted re-division of world ‘spheres of interest’
What support should Marxists give to Russia?
Obituary: Neil Faulkner, historian, archaeologist and revolutionary (1958-2022)
Marxist historian Neil Faulkner remembered by John Mullen, who knew him, on and off, since the 1970s