5 Oscar nominations – but is it any good? Our reviewer on why it works on both an artistic and political level
News & Comment
Sunny Side of the Alps Clouding Up
Slovenia is in the Grip of a Right-Wing Tornado
A Case History of Vaccine Nationalism
Deconstructing the Astra-Zeneca Story
Dalit History Month
Intersectionalities: When Caste, Class, Gender, and Religion Collide
News from Berlin and Germany: 10th April 2021
Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany
Double Affiliation
How can non-German socialists combine local activism with the politics of their home country?
The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism and its Potential
Despite some minor flaws, the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism offers a step forward in the fight against the instrumentalisation of antisemitism
Die Grünen: In Praise of Green Capitalism
The German Green Party embraces capitalism, avoids talking about Left and Right, and wants to increase investment in military spending
The Dictator Against Survivors
What is Erdoğan’s Problem with Women? On the Turkish withdrawal from the 2011 Istanbul Convention protecting women’s rights