News & Comment

Irène Joliot-Curie and Louise Thompson Patterson

Rebellious Daughters of History #48 by ,,Judy Cox Marie Curie’s socialist, scientist daughter Irène Joliot-Curie (1897 – 1956) Irène was the daughter of Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, born in Paris in 1897. Her father was killed in a carriage accident in 1906. Marie Curie was now a single mum. She joined “The Cooperative”, in […]

The Uprising of the 20,000 and Clara Lemlich

Rebellious Daughters of History #45 by ,,Judy Cox The Uprising of the 20,000 On November 23, 1909, more than twenty thousand Yiddish-speaking immigrants, mostly young women in their teens and early twenties, launched an eleven-week general strike in New York’s shirtwaist industry. Workers shared common grievances about wages, hours, workplace safety, and workplace indignities suffered […]

What is Cancel Culture? And Does it Matter?

Everyone’s talking about ‘cancel culture’, although there is no clear definition about what it actually is. This discussion is, to a large part, down to an article published in Harpers magazine and signed by various prominent writers ranging from Noam Chomsky via Francis Fukuyama to J.K. Rowling. [1] Although the article does not mention cancel […]