News & Comment

Sir Keir Starmer can do 50 Push-ups

Keir Starmer can do 50 push-ups [1]. Keir Starmer has a floppy haircut and a reassuringly droning voice. Keir Starmer is a grown up politician. Keir Starmer wears a forensic blue suit. Keir Starmer is a knight so if you want a dragon slaying he’s probably your man (though I’d likely be on the side […]

The Chocolate Women’s Strike and The Atlanta Laundresses Strike

Rebellious Daughters of History #44 by Judy Cox Inspired by the Tower Hamlets Unison Strike: The Chocolate Women’s Strike Clementina Black, secretary of the ‘Women’s Trade Union League’, organised a meeting for the young women working at Messrs Allen’s chocolate factory on 10 July 1890: “Twelve girls came, and their dread of being followed, watched […]

Théroigne de Méricourt and Sarah “Sally” Hemings

Rebellious Daughters of History #43 by ,,Judy Cox The French Revolution: Théroigne de Méricourt (1762–1817) Théroigne was born in Marcourt, Rendeux. Her mother died after giving birth to her so she was sent to live with her aunt in Liége. She left after being forced to work as a servant. Théroigne spent years as an […]

Shirley Graham Du Bois and Katharine Chidley

Rebellious Daughters of History #42 by ,,Judy Cox Black America Rising: Shirley Graham Du Bois (1896 – 1977) Lola Shirley Graham Jr. was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1896, one of six children. Her father was an African Methodist Episcopal minister. In June 1915, Shirley graduated from Lewis and Clark High School in Spokane, Washington. […]