News & Comment

Cleaning lady: a job like any other?

On Women’s Day this year, which seems a million years ago now, a time when we were all suddenly realizing that just because hysterical hypochondriacs thought they probably had COVID-19 didn’t automatically mean it wasn’t actually really fucking terrible (God, what a horrible realization that was!), the UK Guardian published a feminist article by Sally […]

From IWS to Liebig34: Solidarity!

This is a letter from International Women* Space (IWS). IWS was formed in December 2012 during the Refugee Movement’s occupation of the former Gerhart-Hauptmann School in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The letter concerns the planned eviction of the Liebig34 squat, which is planned for later this week. The eviction has been initiated by the “owner” of Liebig34, Gijora […]

60 Years Spartacus

On 6 October 1960, the film Spartacus opened in New York City’s DeMille Theatre. TIME magazine celebrated “a new kind of Hollywood movie: a super-spectacle with spiritual vitality and moral force”. The New York Times‘ long-time film critic Bosley Crowther was less excited, dismissing the film as “heroic humbug”, adding that “the middle phase is […]