Today there was a demo in Berlin against the Corona measures, organised by a dubious group which was happy ro welcome hard-core Nazis into their ranks. Although not everyone demonstrating was a Nazi, Nazis from throughout Europe mobilized. Counter-demos were organised with the main slogan being chanted “you’re marching with nazis and fascists”. Police used […]
News & Comment
Charlotta Amanda Spears Bass and Hertha Marks Ayrton
Rebellious Daughters of History #49
Suggestions for Spahny
Jacinta’s 4-point plan for improving the German health service
Gegen Berufsverbot
Against the racist and sexist ban of the headscarf in public employment
Solidarity instead of common cause with Nazis
Why Die LINKE supports the anti-Querdenken protests
Photo Gallery: New York during Covid-19 and the Rebellion against racism
This was started as a series of the Covid-19 pandemic’s effects on the New York City landscape. Coming on the heels of the health crisis triggered by the pandemic, the uprising against racism has erupted. The whole country is outraged by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the racist police. There […]
Last Word: On 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds
Details totally parallel events in London UK
Izquierda Unida Berlin
Organising the Spanish left in Berlin
Photo Gallery: Remembering the Victims of Hanau, 19 August 2020
On the 6 month anniversary of the murders in Hanau by a right-wing gunman, 5,000 people marched through Berlin-Neukölln against racism and fascism Photos by Phil Butland and Ian Clotworthy