News & Comment

Photos: ‘Freedom for Patrick’ protest

Patrick George Zaki, 28 year old Egyptian human rights activist, was abducted at Cairo International Airport upon his arrival from Bologna, Italy where he currently studies for his MD at the University of Bologna. Patrick was tortured and electrocuted without any true accusations. This campaign is to pressure the Egyptian Authorities to meet the following […]

News round-up 15th February 2020

GERMANY State apparatus moves to ramp up deportations Horst Seehofer wants new police powers to carry out immigration checks beyond border areas and use Tasers on detainees. Meanwhile, police propose that seats on deportation flights are not assigned to specific people until the last minute. This would give them more time to fill the planes […]

British Election results – Response to Phil Butland

Thank you Phil – Your comments are very helpful to stimulate an understanding, of ‘what happened here?” At the outset let me say that like Phil – this was not the outcome I had wanted. What a disaster it is for progressive people, both in what is still called the United Kingdom (for the moment […]