From Strike Germany to PACBI: solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle
News & Comment
The German government is paving the way for the Far Right
Tens of thousands of people are demonstrating against the AfD. But the government of Olaf Scholz is already implementing many of the AfD’s policies
Letter from the Editors, 18th January 2024
Palestine, fighting state repression, and Rosa Luxemburg
News from Berlin and Germany, 17th January 2024
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
Muslim Futures
Creating an empowering and Disruptive space
Gemeinschaftlicher Widerstand (Community resistance)
Our Solidarity against their Repression
Franz Beckenbauer, rest in shame
South African memories of German corruption
German Elites Are Redefining Antisemitism So They Can Be the Victims
Berlin’s cultural senator has announced that public funding for artists will depend on a loyalty oath for Israel. This has nothing to do with fighting antisemitism — it’s actually a smokescreen to cover up for the deep-seated antisemitism of Germany’s establishment.