Rising anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia in Germany is evolving into a generalised threat to civil liberties. Nowhere is this more apparent than Neukölln.
News & Comment
“Actions like this are a symbol for the liberation struggle. It’s an uprising against the right wing In Germany”
Interview with Iris Hefets about her one woman protest for Gaza on Hermannplatz
“We are not enemies”
The interview which Die Zeit refused to publish
Open Letter: People, not “Barbarians”!
Solidarity with the National Speaker of Fridays for Future, Elisa Baş against defamations from the Axel Springer Press!
Gender Self-Determination, With Fine Print
Community reactions to the proposed self-determination law
Letter from the Editors, 19th October 2023
Decolonize Africa, demonstrate for better climate protection, and Romani FIlm Festival
Statement on the racist police violence and Repression against Palestinians and Palestine Solidarity in Berlin
Issued by: Palästina Spricht, Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost, Jewish Bund, and Palestine Campaign.
Radio Berlin International #26 – Nadija Samour
Interview with Palestinian lawyer in Berlin
News from Berlin and Germany, 18th October 2023
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany