Why are French workers taking to the streets? One reason is 30 years of mass activity
News & Comment
Netherlands: discontent over government once more benefits the extreme right
The right wing Farmers Party is the real winner in the recent Dutch elections. This is a catastrophe for the environment.
Letter from the Editors: 30th March 2023
Rent madness and fossil fools
Go Film The Police
The Go Film The Police campaign fights for the decriminalization of recording police (brutality), for holding police accountable and to encourage others to act in solidarity with those affected by police violence.
News from Berlin and Germany, 29th March 2023
Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany
The Imperial ambitions behind Olaf Scholz’s Japan visit
Victor Grossman on the Simmering Conflict with China
Child’s Play?
Recent news from Berlin: Netanyahu visit, Grand Coalition, and threatened split in the Left
Berlin must cease its campaign of harassment against Palestinians and their supporters
Speech by a Jewish Bund member at the trial of people arrested for assembling on Nakba Day 2022
Explosive movement to defend pensions in France – An indefinite general strike is needed
Demonstrations against Macron are getting bigger, and police violence in increasing, National union leaders must act