Veteran socialist Victor Grossman on the importance of the Communist playwright
News & Comment
No to the Nakba Demo Ban!
An international group of activists and organisers are rallying against a city-wide ban on commemorations of the Nakba last year under the slogan “Freedom of speech is a human right”
France: Movement to defend pensions: can Macron be beaten?
The biggest danger to the rising movement is the timidity of union leaders
People still wait for help and solidarity, and Erdoğan declares “State of Emergency”!
Statement from Evrensel Daily; paper of ‘The Labour Party” in Turkey; EMEP
Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen (DWE) from Wedding and Reinickendorf (Weddorf)
Ahead of tomorrow’s election, housing campaigners are putting pressure on candidates to finally implement the referendum result.
Radio Berlin International #20 – Berlin Election / Joyland / Escalation in Palestine
feat. Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen, Dr Fazila Bhimji and Nakba Day protests
News from Berlin and Germany, Thursday 9th February 2023
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
POC Art Collective
POC Artists working in Berlin
A Reply on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Hari Kumar responds to a historical claim made by Eitay Mack in their article Israel gave up on Raoul Wallenber (20/08/2022)